
JCNA is pleased to announce the new position of “Concours Administrator.” This position will serve as a valuable resource to answer any member concours-related questions or issues. Sometimes confusion about posting scores, getting events sanctioned, and checking the qualification of judges can become quite annoying. In fact, a wide variety of issues intermittently pop up too numerous to list. We now have David Allen available to help you. He is a very highly regarded Chief Judge in the San Diego Jaguar Club who has graciously agreed to take this duty. No matter the problem contact Dave first at!

Clubs - PLEASE update your judge training and testing information on the website.

At time of Sanction request: The posting of this JCNA Concours Sanction request acknowledges that the Chief Judge and Concours Chairman commit to conduct the Sanctioned Concours to the fullest extent possible per the applicable JCNA Concours Rules.

At the time of posting the Judges info and Scores: The posting of the results of the JCNA Sanctioned Concours Judges information and Concours scores acknowledges that the Chief Judge and Concours Chairman conducted the Sanctioned Concours to the fullest extent possible per the applicable JCNA Concours Rules.

Chief Judges and / or Concours Chairs - Contact JCNA Concours Committee Chair, Jim Sambold by email once you have uploaded your concours results and judging team information. Jim will then review your entries and classify your event as "Official."

Rulebook and Forms

Note: For consistency, before printing set your printer to, “Shrink to printable area” and check the box, “Auto rotate and center".

An information management package is available upon request that uses entrant information to produce customized score sheets and windscreen placards. Please contact the webmaster if you would like the instructions and files.

Printed copies of the rulebook are available from Steve Kennedy. The lead time is now 2 weeks, so please plan accordingly. The cost is $20 a copy, plus Priority Mail postage, yes printing costs have increased dramatically.

If you would like to get them printed locally, great. Be sure to ask for the following:

Print Double Sided, Black and White pages, 3-hole punch, 24-pound paper and the Binder Cover and Spine should be printed on card stock and inserted in the front of the 3-ring binder and spine.

Note: For consistency, before printing set your printer to, “Shrink to printable area” and check the box, “Auto rotate and center".

2025 Rule Book (Rules Effective Jan 1, 2025) (NOTE: Complete Version 02042025 In Effect)

Other Useful Forms, Documents & Information

Other Resources

How To Videos:

Please be advised that this instructional video has not been sanctioned by the JCRC. It is, however, a bold and laudable attempt at illustrating one club's methods of how a certified judge may approach the judging of a 1963 E-type FHC. As such, it is not the only course of actions that another club's CJ would instruct when illustrating the same or similar rules and protocols in action and application as described in the most recent, sanctioned JCNA Judge's Guide.
This video is also NOT an attempt to cover all variants of the Series 1 E-type from 1961 to 1967 as it is,  in some items, specific to the model and year utilized.
It is also NOT to be considered even a partial replacement for the requirement that each certified judge become annually familiar with the contents of the latest JCNA Judge's Guide.
Also, the video does not attempt to cover every item that an experienced certified judge may or may not have had time to judge during the allowed 15 minutes per section mandated by current JCNA rules. If a component was over-looked, it does not mean it should not have been judged, or would not have been judged, if more time had been available.    Obviously, a judge more experienced or more familiar with the year and model would judge more efficiently and thus review more components.
Safe motoring,
Hal Kritzman
Chairman, JCRC

Protest Reports:

Judging Guides:

  • Judging guides can be downloaded by JCNA members at this Link.
  • Requests for changes and or updates to any of the published JCNA Judging Guides should be sent to the following:
    • The submission must include the citation of the exact place in the specific Judging Guide and version, page number, paragraph, sentence, and or image in question.
    • The submission must also be accompanied by full documentation supportive of the requested change or update with the source of accompanying documentation provided. Any submission that is received incomplete will be returned.

