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- If a location is working, then it may be best to keep it, but also consider changing location periodically.
- At meetings, circulate a simple "Quick Survey" to see if the members like the location, was the food good, was it easy to get to, was the meeting content good. Include a comments section. In general, if 80% liked things, that's a good sign you are on the right track.
- Consider having a meeting at the dealership or a member's home
- Invite guest speakers on a variety of topics - could be someone from the dealership such as service manager, parts and merchandise manager or sales management.
- At meetings, encourage open dialog and engage others to speak as much as possible. Members like to hear a good variety of speakers - keeps the meetings interesting
- Short reports from the following chairs - Membership, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, Social Committee, etc.
- Remember that every member is different. Some really want technical information, some want new car information, some what to know how to maintain the exterior, or how to prepare for a Concours, some may just want the social aspect, some want to travel to interesting destinations, etc. Try to mix things up and hit all of the different interests.
- Consider one or two meetings per year dedicated to technical information
- Consider having a meeting at a local restoration shop to focus on restoration
- Consider having a meeting at the local dealer to talk about new cars
- Consider having a meeting dedicated to preparing cars for concours
- Consider introducing audio-visual/media into local club meetings where appropriate (Refer to Youth Initiatives Section #2)