Best Practices: Renewal/Retention
- Begin membership renewal drive in October.
- A letter that includes a list of member benefits and a renewal form should be the initial step.
- Sample Renewal Letters/Forms - "Retention 1A Sample Renewal Letter Form 1" and "Membership Dues Renewal Invoice Letter.
- Member Benefits Document, see Membership Main Tab
- B. Consider a drawing among early renewals for an award such as reimbursement of their annual membership fee (club officers and board members should not be eligible). Publicize this incentive.
- A letter that includes a list of member benefits and a renewal form should be the initial step.
- For Members who have not renewed by the deadline, send out periodic reminders to members who have not renewed. In late January personally contact each member who has not renewed to understand why and see if there is something the Club can do to change their mind.
- Sample Second Renewal Letters - "Retention 3 Sample Renewal Final Letter 1" and "Membership Dues Invoice Final Notice"
- Include the extensive "JCNA Member Benefits Document" (much more detail than #1 above) in Dues Renewal Notices so members can revisit all that membership provides.
- Consider discounted rates for renewing members and higher rates for new members. Any member who did not renew on time, would have to pay the higher rate as if a new member.
- Consider a special one-year membership dues discount to attract new members
- Sample Final Reminder Letters/Forms - coming soon
- Sample Non-Renewal Questionnaire - coming soon