The Jaguar Affiliates Group of Michigan (JAGM) is a non-profit organization formed in 1967, by a group of people dedicated to the preservation of the Jaguar automobile. Its purpose is the encouragement and promotion of sporting and social events, the exchange of information, technical and otherwise, and matters of general interest to Jaguar owners and enthusiasts. JAGM is affiliated with Jaguar Clubs of North America (JCNA) along with more than 63 other clubs. Yearly membership is $75 ($78 if paid by credit/debit card), renewable by December 31st of each year. A spouse or "significant other" is included at in the membership fee. Each member will receive an email or printed color newsletter, delivered monthly. Use our online membership application to join right now... Ownership of a Jaguar automobile is not required.
The Jaguar Affiliates Group of Michigan also has its own website, which incudes some special club information for your use. Check us out at