Edited on 2011-01-29 15:06:04

I searched for 2 and 1/2 years for this car. It's always been perfect. I have had it in the driveway since Nov. The battery died and a rear tire went flat. I chaged the tire (3 pirelli 4000 plus and the new one is pirelli 4xv). Restricted and check engine both came on and it's doing the stutter thing at 3000 RPMS. I'm gonna re=check the pressure in the tires and put more gas in it (it was low). I have read about the coil and also read that after about a mile this goes away (it didn't for me). please help.

Beautiful car in trouble!
Miles, Thank you

Submitted by vogelbp@gmail.com on Sat, 01/29/2011 - 16:27

You definitely need to get yourself a mid-range CAN/OBD-II reader so that you can determine exactly which codes the car is throwing.

The coil thing definitely does *not* typically go away after "about a mile" and I can attest to this from four-time experience. If you've got a bad ignition coil it will sometimes be intermittent at the very start, but it only gets worse/less reliable and does so quickly. The warning lamp will also go from amber to red, and you really, really don't want to ignore things when the misfire gets so bad that the warning is red.