
has anyone done a conversion from disc to wire wheels that can tell me what work is required in the boot? Apparently the cross bar, boot floor and spare tire old down are different.

Thanks in advance,


Submitted by rahnz@rogers.com on Wed, 02/02/2011 - 20:53

Hi George,

the car is actually a nice driver to begin with that we have been driving in the nicer weather. It is an Oct 1952 car so has a 2HA rear axle. I have sourced the front brake, hubs and knock offs as well as the appropriate rear brakes, hubs and knock offs. Oh, I also have 4 wheels (need another - 54 spoke if anyone reasonably close has one).

I am doing a suspension rubber replacement and brake reline as well as a steering box refit (it leaked - lots - onto the suspension rubbers!) so figured I may as well put the wire wheel stuff on at the same time. It is just the spare tyre stowage bit that is still unknown.

So if you can pass along some wisdom, I would be grateful.


Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 23:23

Richard you must state the year and rear end you have--if early and an ENV rear it is very dificult if not impossible to do right! If later it is possible but let's start with a ViN or year! All of the work you mentioned is just for the storage of the spair wheel--Need to get 4 on the ground before that is an issue.