Hello All,

Every once in a while I'd like to send (or receive, too) back channel information that I don't think is really appropriate to the forums.

On other forums in which I participate there is typically a mechanism to send another forum member a private message. Does that capability exist via these forums?

My guess is that I'm going to end up feeling like an idiot for missing some obvious method of doing this, but right now I'm just not seeing it. A search of the forums on the phrase "private message" turned up only one post from 2009, so I'm really not certain whether this feature did exist and does not now, or may never have existed.

Any assistance/information is appreciated.

Submitted by jpbii@yahoo.com on Sun, 03/13/2011 - 21:03

I've tried to update my registration with email and phn number and it won't change. I get the box asking if I want to save changes, which I clicked the yes button on, but the additional information did not save. Any suggestions?

Submitted by silver007@shaw.ca on Sat, 01/29/2011 - 11:36

HI Brian, jaglovers have that feature, here you have to give your e mail so the person can contact you, I sometimes add my ph # as well, sometimes speaking live to someone helps, as was the case last week when a chap from Texas called me for info on starter removal on an XJS V12 .no problem to me.Art 604 465 7244.. perhaps our web master can add this feature......
my e mail is silver007atshaw.ca....