Okay Gurus... I'm officially at my wit's end and seeking advice.
My 1967 Series "2" OTS, 4.2 with dual Strombergs,is in good general tune, starts right up when cold and runs well. The fly in the ointment here is that once warmed up and subequently shut down, she absolutely will not re-start and I must wait 2-3 hours for everything to cool down then she again cranks right up. Just to be clear, when hot she cranks over and over very well (brand new Optima battery)but there is just no light-off. I've tried all variations of throttle when hot: none, pump then none, pump the whole time, choke, no choke, hold it on the floor, all to no avail. Also, I,ve checked the input voltage at the coil and it's around 11.5 volts with key on but not running, and the voltage is the same whether the dual radiator fans are running or not.

Any ideas guys? Thank you, Eric.

Submitted by NW61-43367CJ on Mon, 05/16/2011 - 17:51


Check your ignition switch. Is it hot after you have been driving for awhile? My '68 E had a similar problem. The contacts in the start and run position were dirty. While running the coil had adequate volts. When I tried to start it however there was a big voltage drop at the coil. See what volts are there when you are cranking it over.

Terry Sturgeon
Victoria Club

Submitted by BwanaE@aol.com on Sat, 05/14/2011 - 22:16

Edited on 2011-05-14 22:44:41

Sorry guys... I typed my post after only one coffee. The thorn in my side is my 1968 Jaguar E-Type, OTS. This particular version is often called the Series 1 1/2 (with tongue in cheek) because it has the regular Series 1 body with small turn signals above the bumper, but the Series 2 interior with plastic rocker switches etc. In addition it was the odd "smog control" model with that awkward, cast aluminimum, cross-over induction thingy which has long ago been removed, so it's basically 2 Strombergs feeding straight into a regular induction manifold on a 4.2. Sorry for any confusion... the older I get the higher my caffein requirement.


Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Sat, 05/14/2011 - 10:38

Eric to help we need to find out just what car or configuration you have. You have referred to the car as "a 1967", a "Series 2" and at the bottom of your post you have a "1968". A 1967 is not a Series 2 nor is a 1968. The 1968 is a "1968 and sort of unique. A 1967 is not a series 2 and should not have dual Stroms. Not trying to avoid the question but need a base line to help. Do you have a 1967,1968, or 1969-71 "series 2"?