Phil - Do you know where I can find an original torsion bar reaction plate for my '65 series 1 coupe?

Charles Laurence

Submitted by NC19-03320J on Sun, 05/22/2011 - 10:05

Charles, I guess that John was right as it did take a little digging through "stuff" to find the TB reaction plate. If you still need it contact me at

Submitted by alan.barc@veri… on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 12:41

Charles - SNG Barratt has them in their catalogue. You might check with Richard Wright of JDCNT ( as he has done some conversions to adjustables and may have some old fixed ones

Submitted by NC19-03320J on Fri, 05/20/2011 - 12:29

Hi Charles, John is right, which is pretty unusual event, as it will take a couple of days to find, if I still have one, the reaction plate. It's not that I have that much "stuff" it's just that it's scattered around in several locations and my memory is not what it used to be! XK's reaction plates are listed under E-Type bonnet parts and they're asking, better sit down, $176.94!!!!
John, looking forward to seeing you in July!