How do I get to the angle drive for the speedometer? How hard is it to replace just the footwells? Lastly I have a brake leak in the fronts but for the life of me I can not find the leak. Over the winter the resivior for the front is empty, some on the floor but no obvious leak. Ideas?

Submitted by DavidBarnes71@… on Wed, 06/08/2011 - 21:24

My '68 has an access plate under the console on top of the transmission tunnel to get at the speedometer angle drive.

For the brake fluid loos you might check for old hoses with small cracks on them. I had one that went from the fluid bottle to the master cyl and was wicking fluid very slowly down the fire wall but had to look very close to see it. I akso hear brake fluid likes to disappear into the brake booster on E-types.

David Barnes
'68 FHC