where do I find a wiring diagram for a 69 fhc? installing all new wiring and it sure would help, Roger Benjamin

Submitted by mfrank@westnet.com on Sat, 07/09/2011 - 09:56


I have to admit, the Englishisms are quaint. The hydroscoptic marselvane is known as the topistic inverse dohicky here in the states. You may better recognize the unilateral detractor as the spirotic field confabulator, to put it in modern American. Trichotometric indicator supports are available from any industrial supply, just search for "madpoynt". Ambihelical hexnuts haven't been produced in a while, but a diligent search should uncover ample supplies (we sometimes call them numnuts). Once you understand what's being discussed, the solution follows naturally.


Submitted by NE26-62240 on Sat, 07/09/2011 - 08:56

Hi Jay,
I just read the Lucas Decommutator Solution in English and must admit that I did not understand 80% or more. Woul there be a simpler explanation in American?