Just acquired this glass cat. It's 3' long, green glass, weighs around 40 pounds. I asumme it's from a dealership. Anyone ever seen one before?

Submitted by gkeller7@colum… on Tue, 01/24/2012 - 08:05

Hi Frank,
The only example I have ever seen was recently on ebay. Very nice! If you are a member of the Jaguar Association of Cenral Ohio would love to see it at one of our future club meetings. Cheers.........

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Sat, 01/21/2012 - 21:41

I had one which I bought at a car show some years ago. At our last move three or so years ago it was dropped. I still have the broken peices somewhere & may get round to reassembly one day. This picture is of a much larger one 2 meters. It was to be used on the jaguar Stand at the Mexico annual car show in 2008. Unfortunately that was the start of the "Swine Flu" epedemic and the day before opening the Government announced that all large gatherings had to be cancelled. The Jaguar symbolised the feeling of all of us who were there. the Jaguar Club of Mexico decided to carry on anyway and it was still a nice weekend. These jaguars were made in all sorts of sizes and used for publicity from paper weights to dealer showrooms.