I recently dropped the rear end of my '82 Jag XJ-6 in order to rebuild the brake calipers. All went well until I got to the point of reinstalling the parking brake calipers. I believe that the actuator arms are inboard (next to the dif). Is this correct? The Jaguar Service Manual indicates that there is a right and a left caliper, but I didn't mark them on removal and now can't identify them as to side. I have adjusted the opening between the pads to the recommended 3/4 in, but still can't get them to fit. Can someone advise me on how to proceed? (Please don't tell me to take a digital camera to the work site; Thats readily apparent to me now!)

Submitted by dvholles@yahoo.com on Thu, 03/15/2012 - 12:39

Hours after posting this plea for help, I went to my shop and found the problem! I had accuuated the caliper control arm multiple times and thus caused the arm to get out of alignment with the body. The salution is to disassemble the caliper and reset the adjusting wheel and pawl. If anyone else has this problem, contact me; I can talk you through getting them back on the brake caipers.