Would someone with a XK140 FHC be kind enough to measure the position of their outboard seat sliders and tell me where the rear bolt is placed. This is the bolt nearest the "B" post.
I am guessing that it is around 7" from the rear seat ledge, and 7" from the sill edge.
Thank you

Submitted by NE48-24099 on Tue, 05/01/2012 - 08:35

Thank you for the measurements William. I am having a problem with the 6.5 inches. The pilot hole ends up in the chassis frame channel. I would have to be around 6" in order to clear the frame and get a nut on the bolt. Could I ask you to look under and let me know what you see.

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Sat, 04/28/2012 - 22:55

Interestingly, I knew Jen/Jan quite well, His shop was in Salisbury close to the college I was attending so I visited often. Obviously you do not have the old floor panels, where did you buy yours from?

Submitted by NE48-24099 on Sat, 04/28/2012 - 22:07

The Adams brothers used a 1800cc BMC motor tuned by Jenspeed. Only 3 ever made.
Yes, I replaced the floors and never bothered with taking the coordinates. I trust that yours were not moved or repositioned. Looking forward to hearing from you in the morning.