I have a issue with my Jag all the spark plugs are black not one white.The car runs a little ruff but not bad.I've had the carburetors rebuilt so I know that is not the issue .When you start the car I get black suet out the drivers side exhaust any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank You

Submitted by maddogmjj@bell… on Thu, 08/02/2012 - 09:53

The Facet pump is 4.5 psi, if this is problem then what pump do you recommend .Thank You Ps. William what mechanic do recommend in Birmingham AL

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 08/01/2012 - 07:45

Get the pressure to the carbs checked. No more than 3 to 4 PSI. More than that and the fuel pressure will blow past the floats and cause a very rich running condition.

Submitted by maddogmjj@bell… on Wed, 08/01/2012 - 07:31

George thank you for your reply .I did replace the fuel pump with a Facet pump as far as the Carburetors I had them rebuilt by a guy in Colorado I can't recall his name at this time. What can I do to get this car running right. Thanks Michael

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Mon, 07/30/2012 - 14:49

Michael your carbs rebuilt by who--or whom? If your floats are set correctly then you possibly have a stuck choke (or in your case both) or the choke cable is out of adjustment. You also may have an incorrect fuel pump that is providing too much pressure and that would act like bad floats etc.