You drive an English car, so why not improve on your English speak:

Aye-up ÔÇô greeting/hello
Lass ÔÇô female
Holiday ÔÇô vacation
footy ÔÇô english football
boots ÔÇô footy cleets
toilet ÔÇô the modern ÔÇ£looÔÇØ
cash point ÔÇô ATM
wife beater ÔÇô Stella Artois
bloke ÔÇô man (opposite a bird)
geeza ÔÇô a wordly and adventurous bloke
lad ÔÇô one of the boys
fit ÔÇô sexy or healthy; ÔÇ£fit birdÔÇØ or ÔÇ£fit for the matchÔÇØ
at the end of the day  when any situation has come to its conclusion
Lift ÔÇô elevator.
Boot ÔÇô trunk of a car
Bonnet ÔÇô the hood of a car
Lorry ÔÇô truck.
Articulated lorry ÔÇô Tractor-trailer, semi, big rig.
Loo ÔÇô the john, restroom, bathroom.
Super Loo ÔÇô a bathroom with showers and such (public).
Tourch ÔÇô flashlight.
Fag ÔÇô cigarette.
Poof ÔÇô our version of a fag.
Banger ÔÇô a tube sausage.
1st Floor ÔÇô Second floor ÔÇô their ground is our first.
Chips ÔÇô French Fries.
Crisps ÔÇô Potato Chips.
Pavement ÔÇô Sidewalk.
Nappies ÔÇô Diapers.
Mind the Gap ÔÇô watch your step, usually when stepping from a platform onto a train. Signs everywhere.
Garden ÔÇô our version of a yard, not that one place in the yard we garden.
Flat ÔÇô apartment on one floor in a multi-floor building.
Mews ÔÇô alley ÔÇô in their case, developed and full of shops and such.
Pants ÔÇô what you wear under your ÔÇ£trousers.ÔÇØ
Trousers ÔÇô what we wear on the outside ÔÇô pants.
Knickers ÔÇô the female version of pants (their usage) ÔÇô panties.
Bum ÔÇô While in this vein, your ass.
Pissed ÔÇô drunk.
Rat-eyed ÔÇô pissed (in their sense).
Legless ÔÇô Beyond rat-eyed.
Local ÔÇô where you get legless.
Mash ÔÇô mashed potatoes.
Walking the dog ÔÇô from Newcastle ÔÇô going to the local.
Knocking you up ÔÇô nope ÔÇô not that fun, just going to come by and knock on your door sometime.
Ringing you up ÔÇô As above, with a phone.
Mobile ÔÇô cellular phone (not too different).
Subway ÔÇô a tunnel under a busy road in London or other city.
Tube/Underground ÔÇô the subway, as we think of them.
Football ÔÇô As Terry says, something played with your feet ÔÇô Soccer to us.
Whisky ÔÇô A single-malt from Scotland we call Scotch.
Claret ÔÇô A wonderful French Bordeaux.
Daft ÔÇô less than a clue.
Bird ÔÇô chick, usually hot.
Julie ÔÇô girlfriend.
On the job ÔÇô not as in training, something one does with their significant other in an intimate way.
Reverse peace sign ÔÇô when our ÔÇÖ70ÔÇ?s peace sign is turned backwards, it means the same as the universal sign of displeasure ÔÇô with a deep history.
Pudding ÔÇô donÔÇÖt think Jello, think Pop-overs or Stuffing, or sweets like you wouldnÔÇÖt believe.
Biscuits ÔÇô cookies.
Tea ÔÇô two uses: the drink, of course ÔÇô hot, with cream. The meal: the afternoon/early evening snack or sandwich.
Cuppa ÔÇô A cup of tea, now sometimes used to refer to coffee.
In the bin ÔÇô buying a pint or a drink in advance of having it served.
Dole ÔÇô unemployment/welfare.
Roundabout ÔÇô a traffic circle ÔÇô the death of any novice driver in the UK.
Bottie ÔÇô for us ÔÇô an overcooked biscuit, usually with ÔÇ£baconÔÇØ ÔÇô see below.
Bacon ÔÇô a flat piece of ÔÇ£hamÔÇØ ÔÇô not the strips of heaven we know.
Tosser ÔÇô a contemptible person
Bevvy/Bevvies ÔÇô drinks (usually involving alcohol)
Yonks ÔÇô a very long time.
Tasty ÔÇô a very attractive (usually) female
Earwig ÔÇô eavesdropping
Boozer ÔÇô public house/Pub
Shirty ÔÇô ill-tempered
Dole ÔÇô welfare payments
The readies ÔÇô cash
A nine-bob note ÔÇô three dollar bill
The Bill ÔÇô police
Nick ÔÇô police station
Narked ÔÇô annoyed/angry
Suss ÔÇô understand (or in some instances, suspicious)
On the quiet ÔÇô on the sly
Fleapit ÔÇô shabby theater (make out place for teens)

Fell free to contribute your own.

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Sat, 08/11/2012 - 11:14

The project is really coming along Bob but it was never a Wanker, The meaning of the W word is being distorted, when it was part of my venacular it referred only to males! Old cars were refered to as "Old Bangers"

Submitted by bob5837@roadru… on Fri, 08/10/2012 - 23:43

Another picture of my WANKER coming back to life. This car was purchased totally in pieces. A bare chassis, two buckets of nuts & bolts, everything was disassembled except for the engine & trans which I am currently rebuilding. From WANKER to BEAUTY QUEEN in time for next year's concours events.

Location: La Verne, California

Submitted by bob5837@roadru… on Fri, 08/10/2012 - 23:28

What an interesting bunch of comments!

Here is a picture of my 1952 XK120 WANKER under restoration in my garage. I am almost done with the engine and hope to have the bodywork and painting done by December (doing it all myself).

Hey Bill, how much torque on the head bolts?

Submitted by on Fri, 08/10/2012 - 19:14

Hey Brad, how about Crumpet, similar to an english muffin served hot with butter and strawberry jam, or a very nice piece of crumpet usually referring to a young female

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Thu, 08/09/2012 - 16:25

Well that is one mans version, there are many here foreign to me but, if it's English, as opposed to British then you have to start with the Cockney versions!