I became a member of this club through my home club. I had thought it would be a good source of information and resources. What I have found is that it a place of personalities and jerks, to put it politely. There are some out there that seem to be in it for the same reasons I joined, however some seem to be members just to agitate and put people down. SAD I say! Bring this club back to what I truly believe it was created for.
I will keep watching from the sidelines and hope it gets better, if not I will stick with my home club. To think I recommended this club to my friends.
Sorry but someone needs to say it!

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Fri, 09/07/2012 - 13:29

Hurt Garfield--you are as off on that as the reason for his post. I placed a few calls and have the full story now--well as much as possible--trust me that was a set piece from the day he joined to the full 6 weeks later.

Submitted by vineyardman68@… on Fri, 09/07/2012 - 12:51

Thanks for the invite George, but no thanks. I'm almost 78 years old and I have little time for just my own doings. No time left for small things.

I have no interest in being a forum monitor at this age, but if my comments about what I felt hurt--it was just IMHO--so be that also.



Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 19:13

One point here to try to put a positive spin on this. I have seen the e mail that Timothy wrote to remove himself from JCNA. It is composed about like the post here. The information I will convey is Tim thinks he can be a member of his local club--does not work that way. Our umbrella policy covers members--period. If a club allows "shadow" members they place the members at risk and their club. Tim's best bet would be to form his own club and obtain coverage. You can not be a member of a "local" club and not be a JCNA member if the club wishes to be recognized. Like it or hate it there is strength in numbers.

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 14:47

Garfield there are no "nickels" and it was a continualtion of a discussion. If that offended someone they were looking to be offended. If that is the case so be it! I am not sure why you have taken on this role of forum monitor but the position is open--would you be volunteering for it?

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 13:32

Garfield there are no "nickels" and it was a continualtion of a discussion. If that offended someone they were looking to be offended. If that is the case so be it! I am not sure why you have taken on this role of forum monitor but the position is open--would you be volunteering for it?

Submitted by vineyardman68@… on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 12:44

Thanks George, didn't know one could do that.

However, doing that, I think I may have found the reason Timothy made his unhappy post.

In his first post (03:22) where he ask for information about his newly acquired Jag, you & Dave gave some good advice, but then you and Dave got into a long discussion (14 post) on who knew what and what was what , leaving old Timothy completely out of the picture.

Nothing really wrong with you two having a good informative discusion, but I believe it could have been done on your on nickel.



Submitted by deltajhotel@aol.com on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 14:59

Edited on 2012-09-04 15:01:58

i have grown tired of reading this thread, not sure what Tim,s problems are with JCNA except that we are a bunch of personalities and jerks ( really ).
Timothy, if you truely believe that , then make some good suggestions on how we can all improve the JCNA or how would you improve the JCNA. umbrella.
i grow tired of people that complain but offer no solutions and refuse to become involved, for to be involved is to understand.
You get ought for nought,( you have to put in to get out ) once you except people for who and what they are, Life, is so much more enjoyable.
This thread should be closed, its time to move on, Just my ham sandwich and two eggs

Submitted by stevejag@sbcgl… on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 13:45

Edited on 2012-09-04 13:46:49

I had a look-see at his posts. Looks to me like the OP got some very good answers, and acknowledged as much. Sure don't know where he's coming from. So, I'm with you, Steve!


My two cents............


Submitted by bob5837@roadru… on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 12:24

Personally, I enjoy reading JCNA forum threads and replies and think it is a great way to communicate between club members. However, sometimes a thread seems to take on a life of its own by striking a nerve in some of the respondents until it finally fizzels out.

Isn't it about time to let poor Timmy off the hook? By now, Tim has probably stated deleting the responses and moved on.

Submitted by vineyardman68@… on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 13:20

Hey gang,

I just went back through most of the post on Types of Jag's and found no post by our unhappy little friend, so I feel that all the comments generated by his "I had hoped for better" post above were meant to do just that------generate comments.

My advice is to just let a dead dog lie and get on with our own problems. By not posting to his comment, alone it will wash the board clean.



Submitted by hilstonsmg@aol.com on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 11:24

Tim: While I've only been a member of this club for two years, I've been a member of car clubs since 1954, so a certain amount of knowlege has been shared with me. This Forum has been one of the best sources of auto knowlege, to my mind, that I've ever run across. A while back someone wrote about removing a E-type dash top and made it so simple that last week I took the plunge and fixed the cable to the air inlet. No great drama, but a small job that had been nagging at me was fixed. Other guys have had problems, some that seemed silly to me, solved by this forum and were the better for it and all that read the post had their brain(or funnybone) stimulated. My cars are drivers, some are garage queens, others are dreams and works in progress, but all of us need to share our ideas and this forum fills this need. To the people that run this lashup, good on you, and to Tim, lighten up.

Submitted by SE57-50027 on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 09:59

I do not think you realize the value of the information and help offered though this service. I own several classic cars, from Mercedes through Chevrolets. None of those other car clubs offer this kind of help and advice to their members. I cannot begin to tell you how many times the forum has offered me a solution to a repair problem. The books and shop manuals are great resources, but there is nothing like hearing from someone who can relate to you first hand how something is supposed to work.

I agree with you, sometimes personalities slip through with the information. So be it. I want the information. If I have to look past someone's ego, that is fine with me. But, it is like listening to a radio station, if you do not like what you are hearing, you simply change the station, not disconnect the radio.

I would not change a thing. Best wishes to you and let the things go that do not interest you. It is fairly easy to simply delete those posts you do not care for.

Submitted by SE21-64524 on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 09:52

Hello Timothy: I see you have been with this site for a total of SIX(6) weeks! When Alice and I belonged to JCSNE, we helped to support all the venues that the club held, as best we could, as at that time we were running a business 24/6, and attending all the fuctions that our sons in high school were part of. One thing that I learned was that no matter our time and the time of all the others to put together the next meeting/game/dinner/concours, etc., there were always one or two that were never happy, and invariably, they NEVER participated, either. Why don't you silently follow these forums, especially the one/s for the Jaguar/s that you own, and maybe, just maybe, someone on the other side of North America has a problem that you can help solve? BE INVOLVED, be of good cheer, and your heart will keep you smiling. that's my thrupence Stew King, Alice's chauffeur

Submitted by NE40-48370 on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 09:33

You suggest I be part of the solution Timothy but don't define the specific issue. Solution for what? What specifically needs fixing, once you accept that human beings are not all identical in outlook and personality? For instance, nobody has written what you've written, so right there that makes you a bit special.

Here's your message and my comments / questions on each line. It would be good to know the answers to the questions:

" I became a member of this club through my home club."

I assumed everyone did that apart from a few odd-balls like me (a 'member at large' until I join a local club now I have a base here). Nothing to fix there.

"I had thought it would be a good source of information and resources."

Are you saying there is poor information and few resources, despite so much literature, forum assistance, event insurance - even tool hire now? If you had hoped for better, what additional information and resources were you hoping for specifically? What do you want to contribute but feel you are unable to? If there's something to fix, what is it?

"What I have found is that it a place of personalities and jerks, to put it politely."

I've only been a member 18 months but I would expect any club to have personalities of all kinds.Some people take to one type of personality, others prefer different styles. Nothing to fix there presumably? As for 'jerks', you'd have to define your term I guess. One man's jerk is another man's straight-talker or someone else's Mr Sensible, Mr Happy, Mr Grumpy, Mr Dozy, Mr Brainy - whatever. What if someone thought you're a jerk, but you don't? Who's right? Might it be that whoever you think is a jerk also doesn't think they are? Maybe you think I'm a jerk - I don't. So right there we could have me, you and some other person and each one thinks they are fine and reasonable but someone else thinks they are a jerk. I'd really love to know how you'd fix that, as it would help some of us in our marriages I suspect :-)

I only follow a few forums but not to put too fine a point on it, this is the first disgruntled personality-bashing post I can recall. I think there are occasional flare-ups like this thread but it's not something anyone should try to fix because if we value free speech it isn't a problem that needs solving.

"There are some out there that seem to be in it for the same reasons I joined,however some seem to be members just to agitate and put people down."

What do you base that on, apart from personal feelings? Maybe everyone joined for the same reasons, or nobody did. People join for all kinds of reasons I expect. I don't think there is a 'reasons for joining' question - maybe there should be? Neither of us has any real idea why people join so it could be for social or technical reasons or both. I suspect a large number join by default as part of what their local club offers? I am truly sceptical that any kind of numbers join to put people down. There might be a few agitators I guess. How can you know why someone becomes a member unless you are a mind-reader? If the vast majority are OK and one or two are not to your liking, then why blast at the whole set up? If you want the JCNA as '...a good source of information and resources...' I'd try to avoid criticising it on personal grounds because that could look like agitation or putting someone down.

"SAD I say! Bring this club back to what I truly believe it was created for."

Yes, this thread is a bit sad (SAD sounds like someone shouting), but if there's a concern it is better to expose it and see if it can be attended to. Concerning the rationale for JCNA's creation, to be part of the solution you might want to list your concepts of what the club was created for and then list your rating against each. Who knows, the friends you recommended might come up with a whole different set of criteria and satisfaction ratings. Why not ask them to post here too? Meanwhile, I'm quite certain that if you can provide details of an international car club 'umbrella' organization that does these things way better than JCNA, the board of JCNA would be very interested to study those people's methods.What happened when you contacted your Regional JCNA reps and asked them to bring your specific actionable concerns up for board discussion?

Submitted by dougdwyer1@com… on Mon, 09/03/2012 - 00:11

Fix what, specifically?

Timothy, your complaints are so vague that it's impossible to offer much by way of advice, solutions, comfort, commiseration, or hope.

Although you may not want to name names some description of what has actually happened would be useful in addressing the situation.


Submitted by NE40-48370 on Sun, 09/02/2012 - 21:55

Someone needed to say what, exactly Timothy? That JCNA does not perfectly match your personal need profile, to the extent that for you, personally, it is not worth continuing? I think you're the only person who could ever know that so nobody else would ever have said it, presumably? Watching from the sidelines and hoping for something to happen sounds a bit 'passive'.

I'm not that much of a club person either, as it happens, but I've been in enough to know that like most things in life, to get the most out of a venture you have to put something in, not walk away or throw rocks. What exactly do you want that you're not getting? I'd expect most people would get most of what they want from their local club, but that's hardly a shock is it?

Most of the clubs I belonged to were compulsory memberships in order to participate in their racing events or similar. You can imagine there were lots of members who did not have a deep and abiding affection for the nitty-gritty of running a club, they just wanted to take their place on track and have fun.

Since I only immigrated last week, I'd be interested to know where you have found a better range of facilities and services than JCNA? You hoped for better and since you sound disappointed you have presumably found somewhere better or your local club has more to offer?

What exactly did you hope for from an umbrella organization like JCNA?

As it happens, I won't be renewing my membership of one club later this year because I only joined to get an insurance discount which I no longer need. I'm not alone in that, but again I wouldn't carp just because my needs are now different from what they offered. I knew why I joined, I got out of it very little besides my discount, but no harm, no foul.
