I placed this on the concours forum with no replies. What is the consensus on the presence of carb tags on the xk 140? It is unclear in a previous thresd. I was recently penalized for not having carb tags on my 1956 xk 140 ots standard car. The judges reasoning for their originality was less than convincing. After some research this is what I have found. They are not listed in the Jaguar parts catalog. In Bernard Viart's book" xk 140 explored" they are not shown on the detailed carb drawings (pg 225), and are not on the car on the factory floor photo (pg40) . They are not included in the carb drawings(plate H) of the jcna published xk 140 34th annual general meeting from 1992.It is my feeling from what I have found that they were not originally on my car. I am showing in South Carolina in November and was deciding if I should put them on. Additionally, I am thinking of contesting my recent deductions on these grounds. Any thoughts? Also not to stray but what color should the bar in front of the radiator on an xk 140 ots be? Black or body color? and carb linkage cad or black? Thanks

Submitted by SW03-09811 on Fri, 12/14/2012 - 20:30

Actually, Mr. Roessler's question was answered offline and the points, his car lost for: "not having carb tags" on his XK140, were returned.

With help from George Camp and Roger Payne it was determined that:
S.U. did not regularly attach the tags to the "H" series carbs (except H8 sand-cast) but routinely attached them to the "HD" series carbs. Beyond that, it is unknown whether the tags stayed in place during carb installation at the Jaguar factory. The applicable S.U. carb (tag) ID numbers can be found in the Jaguar Parts Manuals but the tags/plates themselves are not illustrated nor are they considered to be a "Jaguar supported" item.

Unless information to the contrary is documented, at the 2013 AGM, it will be proposed that, lacking JCNA XK120, 140 or 150 Judging Guides, the JCNA Concours Rule Book will add a note indicating that SU Carburetor Float Bowl tags should not appear on XK120 or 140 H6 carburetors and that the tags will be considered optional on XK150's and other HD carburetor-equipped Jaguars.

Merry Christmas,
Dick Cavicke

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Fri, 12/14/2012 - 11:17

Actually a lot of research has been done and as soon as all is final I think you will see some information from the JCRC's head.

Submitted by meering@comcast.net on Fri, 12/14/2012 - 11:04

Ronald, No one seems to have any thing to say re your post on carburetor tags,So for what it is worth heres my thoughts on it.The tags were put there buy the manufacturer S.U. to identfy the type and posibly a matched pair too Jaguar specs. So far no one has noted that they are not on my car but now that you have brought it up the judges will be on it . Most likely the first mechanic to service the carbs on your carbs left them of. If you want them any car in a breakers yard with twin S.U.s will have them , As a comment ,Driven class is more fun.J.A.M.