My Hazard Flasher does not work. Replaced the flasher unit - still not working. The rocker switch on my Hazard Flasher which I have taken apart and cleaned all the contacts. I have the overall wiring diagram for my 68 XKE OTS.

Can someone provide a detailed schematic of the Rocker Switch? That is, 1) What voltages and continuities, for each connector on the switch, should be like when the swich is ON? The overall car wiring diagram only shows the switch as a box with wires coming out, but not how current/voltage flows through the switch.

Doanld Caba

Submitted by on Sun, 03/24/2013 - 19:07

I'm going from memory here, so I might need correcting....

I think there are 2 flasher units in the car. 1 for hazard and 1 for turn signals. The small square one behind the center dash is for the hazard. I seem to remember having similar trouble on a ser.1 and changing both flashers (different locations) fixed the problem. But then, maybe only changing one would have solved my problem. Both flashers may be inter-connected electrically. It's worth an easy try.


Submitted by on Sun, 03/24/2013 - 18:07

Mike Eck:

Thanks. The good news is the switch checked out as OK, per your instructions. Emergency Flasher still not functioning.
Now, it looks like a broken wire (or who knows????) to explore and diagnose.

Donald Caba

Submitted by MikeEck@optonl… on Sun, 03/24/2013 - 12:40

Hi Don,
I believe it works as follows: When the switch is OFF, terminals 5 and 6 are connected together and all others are isolated. When the switch is ON, terminals 1, 2 and 3 are connected together and 5 and 6 are isolated. Power from the ignition switch should be on terminal 6.