
I'm soon going to be the owner of a '68 S1.5 E-Type FHC -- my first classic car purchase, and my first Jag. So, I'm a babe in the woods, and could use some guidance from those who have gone before me. :-)

I live in Houston, TX, and have found a good mechanic. However, the car I'm buying is in Guilford, CT; where I'm flying to next weekend to inspect the car and, if all goes well, complete the transaction. By chance, is there anyone on this forum who lives with a reasonable drive to Guilford, CT (which I was told is a little over an hour away from Hartford) and is both willing and knowledgeable enough to assist me with the inspection? I would be more then happy to compensate for the time.


Submitted by wogbetwo@gmail.com on Tue, 08/06/2013 - 14:53

Well, I took the plunge and bought this beautiful '68 S1.5 FHC. Many thankx to you all for your advice. A special thankx to Dave Barnes for showing me around '68 S1.5 FHC so that I would gain more of a hands-on familiarity with the car, and to Mike Frank for helping me with the pre-purchase inspection.

Finally, thankx for Ken Coleman for selling me a car that he put so much love, work and care into.


Submitted by NE40-48370 on Wed, 07/31/2013 - 11:56

As soon as I saw Mike chip in it became a no-brainer - always go local. As for my book on the nightstand, I don't know whether to be insulted that it's a cure for your insomnia, or embarrassed that you may have rust-colored nightmares :-) Good luck with the car.

Submitted by wogbetwo@gmail.com on Wed, 07/31/2013 - 10:45

Edited on 2013-07-31 10:58:06

Edited on 2013-07-31 10:56:47

Thankx for all of the responses!

PETER: I actually have that book on my nightstand. :-)

DAVID: I actually live in Museum Park (Museum District), so I'm very close to you. Very kind of you to offer for me to come and look at your car. I would love to! Please call me at 310.936.6034.

MICHAEL: It would be great if you could join me because you seem to be relatively close. I'll email you offline.

Cheers to all

Submitted by wogbetwo@gmail.com on Wed, 07/31/2013 - 10:43

Thankx for all of the responses!

PETER: I actually have that book on my nightstand. :-)

DAVID: I actually live in Museum Park (Museum District), so I very close to you. Very kind of you to offer for me to come an look at your car. I would love to! Please call me at 310.936.6034.

MICHAEL: It would be great if you could join me because you seem to be relatively close. I'll email you offline.

Cheers to all


Submitted by mfrank@westnet.com on Sun, 07/28/2013 - 10:00

I'm about an hour and twenty from Guilford, I wouldn't mind spending some time on the CT coast. Reach me at mfrank at westnet.com

If you're flying in, New Haven much closer than Hartford. Leave yourself some time for seafood...best (allowing a little room for argument) in CT is Abbott's in the Rough in Mystic. There's a place Clinton called Lobster Landing which is another excellent "in the rough" style place. I'm also a fan of Bill's Seafood in Clinton.

Submitted by DavidBarnes71@… on Sun, 07/28/2013 - 08:57

Peter is right they are wonderful cars and is good you are proceeding with caution. In my opinion the main thing to look out for is rust naturally. These cars tend to rust from the inside out since they have so many hollow areas that can hold moisture. If you see a rust bubble in the sills for example it can be much worse than it looks from the outside. I also live in Houston and have a 68 E-type FHC that I bought in 2000. So far I have been able to do all the work on it myself. I live in the Heights area. If you want to think about dropping by some time I might be able to show you my car and some things to look out for. Also there are other folks in the JCOH who know quite a bit about E-types. If interested in meeting reply back on this thread about off line contact.

David Barnes
68 E-type FHC

Submitted by NE40-48370 on Sun, 07/28/2013 - 06:40

Hello and welcome and congratulations on both your choice of classic and caution in proceeding! If you've got this little book you should be OK in that it sets out a structured inspection and helps you assess the car:


If you want help in person I do inspections and would be happy to accompany you but it depends what you mean by reasonable drive and compensation. Email me directly pc at thewritersbureau dot com
