I have exactly same question as Georg Parker ref my pos ground 140 and using cigar lighter for mobile phone? Does polarity matter or is it just 12v output that counts?


Submitted by SE12-52152J on Thu, 08/08/2013 - 15:12


I think I understand - but if you could email pics or even a wiring diagram (I am a bit "electrically-challenged" hahaha...), that would be great. Email me at George.parker2012atcomcast.net. Thanks!

George P.

Submitted by ppifer@etisoft… on Wed, 08/07/2013 - 20:19

I installed a seperate cigarette lighter socket and ran the ground to the center pin of the socket
and the inner metal shell body connection to the hot (-12v) supply.
The outer body and mounting of the lighter socket need to be plastic and the connection from the hot (-12v) must be fused at 5 amp or so. Use an in line fuse assembly for this.
I use this for cell phone charging and to power a car radio I installed as well. No static issues, Of course the antenna must have a floating ground return as well.
Be glad to send you photos by email if this is confusing to you.
Pete Pifer

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 08/07/2013 - 19:58

Your XK140 will not care but your cell phone surely will. The socket leads need to be reversed --then you need to mark the plug so that you do not use it in a negative earth car.