Couple month ago i asked for advise for my bigcat v12 engine. The car has been stored for 14 years and i had compression issues on the cylinders. i tried a bunch of additives in oil, cylinders, ... and nothing worked. to be honest i'm not really surprised...
My car is 1973 manual gear and i have an opportunity for an engine 49 000 miles from XJ12 1973 automatic gear . do you think that engine could fit in my car ? no problem between manual and automatic gear ?
Your thoughts and advises
Thanks for your support

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Sun, 08/11/2013 - 16:18

My first suggestion would be rebuild your engine, there are lot of differences in the block on the sedan unit. My second suggestion would be to find out exactly what the problem is with your engine, it may be that you only have valve problems. Of all of the V12 installations the V12E was the best, there are many cars today that are still running well with no major work having been done. The opposite is true with the sedans, they were very prone to overheating, the combination of, smog controls, -especially catalyic convertors- , the poor fan cooling arrangement & lack of a left bank temperature gauge. resulted in huge overheating problems on many, if not most cars. Therefore, even if your engine needs lower block work, DO IT.