To my great chagrin, I have just discovered a crack in the lower tube on the RHS space frame of my S 1.5 roadster, it is at the brazed junction with the vertical engine/suspension support. This must be a stress raiser or fatigue hot spot since the location and description is identical to the crack covered in the May 7 2012 thread on this topic.

I fully intend to follow the advice so eloquently and frequently provided on this topic, and replace the entire right hand side. SNG Barrett catalog lists either side at a little over a grand each but they are currently out of stock. Is there another US supplier of high quality frames?

I was interested in the suggestion that the frame can be replace without pulling the engine and would greatly appreciate detailed information on this topic.

My only consolation is that E-type prices seem to be keeping pace with the money I am pumping in to what initially appeared to be a quick "tune-up and drive it" job on a running car....

David Harrison

Submitted by davidmharrison… on Fri, 01/03/2014 - 14:19

The side frame saga continues. SNG Barrett's website separately lists left and right frames at $1063.13 each. For a long time they were flagged as out of stock, but came "available" in December. Available means you can order them, but have to wait for them to be fabricated in the UK and shipped over the pond, with a $100 charge for S&H via UPS. Still reasonable.
I enquired who was the fabricator, expecting it would be Martin Robey, was happy to hear they are the heavier gauge /upgraded spec frames made by etypefabs.. Apparently the etypefab shop was shut down for the Christmas and New Year celebrations but will reopen early January. I'm hoping they don't have a hangover when they make my frame.

Submitted by davidmharrison… on Thu, 12/05/2013 - 18:29


Thank you for your continuing advice I did check the www.etypefabsus website , a pair of E-Fab side frames only (no picture frame or trapeze) is priced at for $2450 inc duty and shipping. The PF and Trapeze are $500 more. There is a short video showing installation on a bare tub. Looks like I will be investing another 4-5 grand in M&L... Any chance of Jaguar doing a recall ?

Submitted by alan.barc@veri… on Thu, 12/05/2013 - 09:27

David - At the very least get both side frame rails. If Urich doesn't sell "partials" you can get the individual units from the usual US suppliers but may then pay close to a full set from E-Type Fabs, so do some research. Also, get a rustproofing aerosol from Eastwood. It comes with a long flexible spray nozzle for coating inside the frames before you paint the outsides. FWIW my right frame rail cracked at the same location and had a lot of flex. This was only visible from underneath the car.

Submitted by NC98-56048 on Wed, 12/04/2013 - 23:43

David; I would suggest replacing the whole subframe set as E-Type Fabs supplies.
As I was doing my restoration I found some of the brazed joints leaked or had holes in them. I could also hear 'rust flakes' move around as I tipped them from side to side and end to end. The pieces are well made and fit perfectly. Knowing that we all operate on a budget I think it would be 'penny wise and pound foolish' to replace only one side as the whole frame has been subjected to the same torque and are 45 to 50 years old.
My opinion and I wish you luck no matter what path you choose. Regards, Joel.

Submitted by davidmharrison… on Wed, 12/04/2013 - 15:37

Thanks for your help. I viewed the E type Fabs website, they make nice looking frames , the standard package is both sides, a picture frame and a trapeze and attachment hardware, current list is 1500 pounds ( $2400) plus shipment. . I haven't asked if you can buy a partial/ RH side package, and maybe that's not advisable based on new tubes being stiffer vs original.

One restorer I talked said the RH frame cracks at the vertical engine mount stiffener location due to engine torque.

Gerald, will be in touch as I cringe at the idea of reducing my almost running car back to a tub.


Submitted by SW01-44661 on Wed, 12/04/2013 - 13:59

I had to replace the left frame of my 1970 Sll OTC. I was able to do it without pulling the engine. H___ of a job. I would have to write a book to describe what I encountered. If you want to discuss the project send me a e-mail, and I will send you my phone number.
Gerald Brinton

Submitted by alan.barc@veri… on Mon, 12/02/2013 - 22:29

I also bought from EType Fabs in England. Great product and cheaper than US sellers some of which buy from EType Fabs.