Here's a new one for me. My 70 OTS sitting with key out of ignition, in gear, w/o parking brake set decides to attempt to start. It launches into another car and apparently continues cranking until the battery dies. I disconnect the battery and recharge it then when I re-attach the battery cable the starter engages. Anyone ever heard of such a thing? The car has no damage but the TR6 was not so lucky, the fender is demolished. Apparently Jags don't like Triumphs

 photo E646105B-1B1F-43ED-B689-8C7C99F76D5E.jpg

Submitted by on Fri, 02/28/2014 - 14:08

I determined that the failure was the relay on the firewall which I replaced. Battery is fully charged and ignition engaged properly but now I just get a click when I engage the starter. Could I now have a starter failure?

Submitted by DavidBarnes71@… on Sun, 01/12/2014 - 10:05

Peter may be right. I know first hand that the Series 2 type ignition switch can be problematic. Several years ago I stopped at a store for a few minutes. When trying to start up again the fuel pump was not working correctly. I had they key on while fiddling at the back with the fuel pump. I happened to look up and smoke was pouring out of the ignition switch. It fried some of the wiring going thru the tach before I could get the battery disconnected. Perhaps yours shorted in a different spot to magically engage the starter ??

I replaced it with Lucas p/n 34680. It seemed beefier than what came in my car but same form fit and function. I was able to remove the key tumbler that came with it and install the one for my original key into it.

David Barnes
68 E-Type FHC

Submitted by on Sun, 01/12/2014 - 06:58

That makes sense. There were no keys in the ignition. When I disconnect the relay on the firewall and hook up the battery, The starter does not engage. Should I start with replacing the relay or should I focus on the ignition switch?

Submitted by NE40-48370 on Sun, 01/12/2014 - 06:46

Series 2 switches contain ignition and crank contacts and if worn/loose can cause.problems with either or both, especially if you have a set of keys hanging in there. Maybe check the starter relay wiring/function also.
