I originally put this on the general issues forum,

Why is it so difficult to get chassis information, I am refurbishing a 62 E Type convertible for the owner. It has been stored for several years since his purchase at Monteray and he has moved several times and has mislaid the documents. Why cant i just get one for him, I can do so with the Rolls Royce owners club? Bill Brady

William it is not difficult it is easy. If however, as in this case, you can not provide the required documents, it is impossible. The requirements for certificates were set up by the JHT and the North American Archive follows the rules as established. That is not under the control of JCNA but rather Jaguar. If a certificate seems hard wait till the car needs to be registered without the documents......I am sure California DMV has a few rules and requirements--but then again possibly not.

Hello George, you were up early today, were you watching the tennis like me. In your response, the difference between EASY and IMPOSSIBLE is akin to falling down a MANHOLE at night. My point is, why canÔÇÖt we have stages? For instance I may be a recognized Jaguar repair or paint facility. Or as in this case, have all of the numbers of the vehicle and all I want is conformation and paint details, etc. What is the reason for the restriction anyway? Are we trying to protect the information and if so, WHY.

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Tue, 01/21/2014 - 15:02

William you say "WE" as if JCNA has any say in the process--we do not!!!. All JCNA involvement sort of ends with the discount that is offered for members--and yes that must be provided also. If you have any suggestions or issues placing them on here will do little if any good. Those are corporate policies and only an appeal to the JHT to change their long standing policy could hope to have any truck. As to why the information is protected there are several very good reasons-fakes and fraud being just two. Why not suggest to them that shops as you describe be allowed to access information after a vetting process--there are some shops that I know they would not certify due to past behavior. Best of luck. For the record William I like the way they do records and have never had a problem--as long as my side of the issue was straight.