Hi Can anyone suggest who to contact to establish early history on my xk 120. The car was imported into California in 1954 by Hornburg and sold to an unknown buyer who i would like to trace. The car was resold in 1956,and i have the history from that time onward. (It was re-exported to the UK in 1963, stored for 41 years!! and we are now completing the restoration retaining it as original as possible). I still have the California plates from 1956 and 1963.
I have written to California DMV, Hornburg, and a California Jaguar club, but received no replies.

Submitted by bbriankay320@aol.com on Sun, 03/02/2014 - 15:45

Hi Peter, Thanks I am already a member of the uk xk club and have also communicated with David Bentley. I am waiting to see what he turns up but in the meantime , because the car started life in California i thought i should chase the history in the usa also.
For (David Heagy) Bentley's email address is a.bentley932atbtinternet.com You missed out the "t".

Submitted by MikeEck@optonl… on Sun, 03/02/2014 - 13:31

Hi David,

You are probably quoting the Engine number there, which should be W8590-8S, with an S as in Special Equipment. The chassis number should start with a 67XYYY where X is seven or above if it's a DHC and below seven if it's an OTS.

Submitted by deheagy@yahoo.com on Sun, 03/02/2014 - 09:53

I tried that address a.bentley932atbinternet.com
Got this reply
Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.


I would like to know where my old XK-120 ended up. It is a 1954 drop head coupe s/n W859085

In 1965 it was British Racing Green with a white fabric top.

I have a photograph

Submitted by deheagy@yahoo.com on Sun, 03/02/2014 - 09:53

I tried that address a.bentley932atbinternet.com
Got this reply
Sorry, we were unable to deliver your message to the following address.


I would like to know where my old XK-120 ended up. It is a 1954 drop head coupe s/n W859085

In 1965 it was British Racing Green with a white fabric top.

I have a photograph

Submitted by ppifer@etisoft… on Sat, 03/01/2014 - 09:10

There is an excellent monthly UK magazine on XK's called XK Gazette (www.xkclub.com) and David Bentley is the author of an article called"Where are they now". He keeps records on XK's and seems glad to share any historical information he has including location and owners of the cars over the years. His contact is: a.bentley932atbinternet.com
I've not tried him on my Jag, but if you are lucky he might be able to help you.
Pete Pifer
1959 XK-150 OTS

Submitted by bbriankay320@aol.com on Sat, 03/01/2014 - 06:42

Hi George, Thanks for the reply. I do have the Heritage certificate for the car. Is this the one you mean? It lists Hornburg as the original distributor, but lists first owner as "not recorded".