What is the best way to assemble the spark plug wires in the conduit? Install conduit first, and then push the wires through? Or do it all on the workbench and then install as one unit?

I ask because I remember helping a friend of mine do a similar job on his pre-war RR, and getting all the wires through the conduit was quite a challenge.

And does anyone have a hi-res image of how the round wire separators should be installed? I have new ones, along with the clamp which holds them in place - I'm not sure which nut holds the clamp in place?


Submitted by SE12-52152J on Thu, 03/13/2014 - 14:29


Thanks very much for the compliment. I actually did this with *NO* pictures to reference (well, as mentioned, I did look at pics online prior to starting the job, but was not referencing them at all as I did the job), and as these posts show, I completed the job before any "copyrighted" material was posted.

I do have the clamp, and looked at installing it in a couple of different locations, but ultimately thought it was neater without the clamp, just the wires running right down and straight into the distributor. And at this point, I'd have to start with a completely fresh set of wires to do it over (the ones in my pic are cut to *almost* the exact length needed for this configuration). I just hope the cam cover doesn't radiate too much heat for the wires....

Thank you again for the nice compliment - I'm hoping they work as good as they look!

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Thu, 03/13/2014 - 14:25

Chuck we already do--we have entered agreements with several sources including Jaguar. Take a look in the shoppe and you will see what we have been able to offer. In this case that is from a privately funded and sold work--they want to sell books--notgive it away! While you may find getting permission to use others material "bothersome" it isinfact thelaw. I was not trying to hit this too hard but that is the professional world--you own what you own--nothing more and with the web once it is there it is there.

Submitted by vineyardman68@… on Thu, 03/13/2014 - 14:03

George R.

I for one think you did a marvelous job, and the pictures you provided are a testament to that.
Worrying about if your following a copy righted photo of this or that, is really not an issue here, because you did so not knowing they were copy righted. Getting permission to do so would be an unneccessary bother, especially if you acquired the photos from the internet as discussed above.

Again, a job well done on your cat.

George C.: I know your quite busy, but It might be a nice service if you or someone you know would get the necessary approval for issues like this, when noted, since the approval would be for the use of the Jaguar forum members as a whole. The general public (non Members) could fin for themselves. Just a thought.


Submitted by SE12-52152J on Thu, 03/13/2014 - 07:45

Perhaps the copyrighted material should be removed? Especially since the first two seem to contradict each other. Just a thought....


Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Thu, 03/13/2014 - 07:24

Don it is public if the owner has made it so or if certain time has passed. In this case this is from a book that is copyrighted and in those cases the owner must be asked for permission. Posted to the web does not make it public. Posting for free does not satisfy the situation for the owner (who sells the books for profit) is denied the sale of his labor as it was given away without permission. We do not want to be in that position.

Submitted by No1inTex@verizon.net on Thu, 03/13/2014 - 07:00

I do not wish to cause a flap but as long as no changes or editing is effecred to copyrighted material and that material has been posted or copied there is no harm nor foul so long as the copied material is not sold for profit.
If the material has been exposed on the web. It is public property just as a newspaper or graphic from any public source.
Please correct me.

Submitted by SE12-52152J on Wed, 03/12/2014 - 20:38

While I appreciate all the help, and the nature of the images posted (I.e. copyrighted), it's interesting to note that the wire routing in the first image does not jive with the routing in the top view. The exact dilemma I experienced when researching other photos online.

Does JCNA have a commonly accepted "correct" wire routing? Granted, mine may be "done", but now I'm curious.


Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 03/12/2014 - 18:22

Geoffrey-please do not post any more images of material that is copy righted. None of us have that right. I know you were trying to be helpful but that material is protected.

Submitted by bogot001@yahoo.com on Wed, 03/12/2014 - 17:48

Hi George,
This might help. XK Unlimited has correct plug connectors. Your so close.
The attached photo is from XK140 Explored. They are very similar.
1982 "Barn Find" XK140FHC/SE

Submitted by SE12-52152J on Wed, 03/12/2014 - 13:40

Geoffrey - thanks very much for the critical look and helpful info. But the truth is, my car is SO FAR from a concours car - it's only ever been entered in "Driven" class. I just thought that, since I was doing this, I would try to do it *a little* right (if that makes sense!).

I looked at hundreds of online photos of various cars, trying to find some "consistency" in routing and installation - couldn't find any. For example, the clamp holding the round wire separators - saw it bolted to the cam cover nut just above the distributor, saw it bolted to the cam cover nut above that (above the #6 spark plug), saw it bolted to the front-most and front-most-lower cam cover nuts, etc..... I have read on here that the spare parts manual usually clarifies these things, but I don't have one yet (due to the aforementioned "not concours") - it's also on the list. But to my credit (big grin!!) - I do have a couple of the wire separators down closer to the distributor keeping things in order there!

It's not perfect, and not going to win any awards - but for my first try, I'm pretty happy with it. Maybe someday I'll do it over and get it a little "more right". ;-)

Thanks again!

Submitted by bogot001@yahoo.com on Wed, 03/12/2014 - 13:26

If your looking to concours your car, the plug ends are wrong and the color of the coil should be tin or alumin in color with a Lucas sticker. Hose clamp does not look correct. Wire separator are missing the metal clamp holding the wires to cam covers. Then their is 2 or three separator disc's down toward Dist.