My Dad had installed a NAPA belt, number 25-22380. When I removed the generator for checkout, I had to dismount the generator and remove it from the belt, could not remove the belt first.

So I asked the local NAPA store (know the manager there) for a belt just slightly longer - in case I had to change it on the side of the road (which I'm thinking isn't really possible). Here's what she told me:

25-22380 is 38.56" long.

25-22386 is 39.11" long (only a half inch longer).

25-22392 is 39.77" long (just an inch + a tiny bit longer).

So far the two longer belts were entirely too long - generator dropped entirely to the outer most adjustment stop.

I was very surprised by this (especially with the middle length belt) - could I be doing something wrong here with the generator mounting??


Submitted by SE12-52152J on Wed, 03/26/2014 - 10:43

Well, I went back to the same belt that was taken off originally - Napa p/n 25-22380 (without actually measuring, the profile does appear to be the same). I've noted the dimensions from the Dunlop label above and will take some comparison measurements. Unfortunately, that label does not give the inner and outer width, and hence a sense of the angles - although, does it really matter??

Thanks again.

Submitted by SE12-52152J on Tue, 03/25/2014 - 14:50

George - thank you, I thought of that later, too. I'll be taking the belt which came off of the car along with me to compare to a new belt with the same part number. Won't surprise me at all if the profile's different....

Thanks again.

Submitted by SE12-52152J on Mon, 03/24/2014 - 11:19

Interesting. The second (and current) belt I got from NAPA is about 36.25", inside measure. This would seem to make it too short, rather than too long.

Thoughts anyone?


Submitted by on Sun, 03/23/2014 - 10:27

The correct length is 36.66" inside measurement Dunlop D355..