My car burns oil...runs great,,,but burns about a quart every 120 miles...

Got a tip from a friend to perhaps try and see if perhaps rings could be loosened up and improve oil consumption...

His thought is to remove the plugs...fill the cylinders with Marvel, and let it sit for a couple of weeks...then, drain and change..

Now I know this is perhaps a long shot...can it do any harm?

San Diego, CA

Submitted by on Wed, 04/16/2014 - 07:47

Thanks Bruce...

Probably wishful thinking on my part...but, my car sat for a few years until I got my hands on it and now with some use, is "up" to about 100 miles (from 50) per quart...which I realize is of course completely ridiculous.

Incredibly, the car is running great at about 103k miles, a nice ride, but I suspect a full on motor job is in my future...nevertheless, I have lots of fond memories of Marvel too...I am going to give this a shot when I have a chance...and will report as to results.

Was curious if any of the other guys had tried it on their cars...appreciate your thoughts and ideas

Submitted by on Thu, 04/10/2014 - 11:09

Bernie, I remember first using MMO when an old hot rodder suggested I put it in a Gray Marine engine in my dads boat in the late 50's. It quieted the baby right down. MMO is best used to clean out old sticking things in an engine and can free sticky rings, but your problem sounds more like wear then anything else. Be it valve guides or rings MMO will not stop oil from passing things that are warn out . I love the stuff and if you want to use it what is a couple of bucks to try it and it will not hurt anything as long as you make sure that you turn the engine over lots of times with the starter before you put the plugs back in so you you do not blow things up by compressing liquid rather than air.

Good luck and let us know if anything changed.
