Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 06/02/2002 - 18:00

I want to publicly thank Charles Bordin and his Empire division team for the first class event they put together at Lime Rock Racepark this past week end.

Everything went smoothly, the party friday night was the best I've attented ( in a big tent overlooking the track and the hills of NW CT... how can you beat that...

I know a few who will agree with me, this is the best event of the year.

I'll have a full article and a bunch of pictures within the next few days but I just wanted to say Thank You !

I drove 1500 miles to get there and it was worth every single mile !!!

We need more of these... one per region each year would be great. It's a great way to get together, meet other JCNA members and just have fun while learning how to be better drivers at the same time....



Submitted by on Mon, 06/03/2002 - 00:00

: Seriously, I missed out on all that fun and seeing all of you! Maybe

: next time. Let's get one lined up in the Southeast. Meet ya half way

: (Virginia?) :p

: Ginger

: 71 SIII 2+2

: P.S. I wanna hear Carol's version of what it was like.


Virginia would definitely attract Jag Lovers from both Northeast and Southeast. It will take a lot of work to make it happen, but if we funnel all this enthusiasm into a team I'm sure we could pull it off!



P.S. - Carol's HOOKED!

Submitted by on Mon, 06/03/2002 - 00:00

Steve quipped: "(Hear that, Ginger? No excuses next year... you better be there.)"


Yeah, yeah, I hear you. I was working!! It was just too darned far!! (ha, got in two excuses).

Seriously, I missed out on all that fun and seeing all of you! Maybe next time. Let's get one lined up in the Southeast. Meet ya half way (Virginia?) :p


71 SIII 2+2

P.S. I wanna hear Carol's version of what it was like.

Submitted by on Mon, 06/03/2002 - 00:00

: I drove 1500 miles to get there and it was worth every single mile !!!

: We need more of these... one per region each year would be great. It's a

: great way to get together, meet other JCNA members and just have fun

: while learning how to be better drivers at the same time....

: Pascal


I would have to agree with everything said through the whole thread. The weekend was fantastic with the great mix of cars and a really nice group of people. My car ran great all except for starting to get too hot about 2/3 of the way through the session and I think it is time to replace some of the 30 year old bushings in the suspension. I had an instructor from VSCCA who showed me the correct line around the track and by Saturday I was starting to lap a little faster, still didn't put together a complete fast lap but that is what next year is for.

Thank you Charles and Empire Division for a great event,

I hope to see all of you and maybe some more new faces next year for some cruising, eating, talking and racing.

Rick Lees

71 SIII 2+2

Submitted by on Mon, 06/03/2002 - 00:00

: I still have some thread left on PZeros but after parking into the

: garage this morning after 18 hours on the road, nearly non stop, I

: looked at my E-type and smiled... the front wheels are nearly black

: with brake dust, there is some mud behind the wheels, and the front

: of the bonnet and the windshield have enough bugs to supply an army

: of fishermen ....

: 3500 miles in 5 days... including 60 or 70 laps of Lime Rock... the V12

: ran nearly continously for 21 hours on the way up and 18 on the way

: down... didn't miss a beat !

: We need more of these events !

: Pascal

Pascal and Dan, you are right on the money!! What a weekend. Many, many thanks to Charles Bordin and the entire Empire Division for an outstanding job. This was undoubtedly one of the best run events I've ever been to. I can't wait for next year.

And also thanks to so many of the JCNA family who went above and beyond. Folks like Bruce and Donna Cunningham from Vermont, who drove down over 4 1/2 hours and paid for their own accommodations and food, JUST to work the corners and make it possible for us fools to beat the heck out of our cars on the track. Without people like them, we couldn't do it.

And thanks also to our stellar President, Gary Hagopian, and many others who volunteered their time as instructors to go out on the track with us novices and show us how it's done. Gary rode with Carol on Saturday and Sunday, helped calm her fears, and by Sunday afternoon had her turning lap times of 1:21 and hitting 110 in the main straight, in an '89 XJS with street tires and stock suspension, no less. (Hear that, Ginger? No excuses next year... you better be there.) Of course, the left front tire is warn bald, but what the heck, it was fun, fun, fun!

And I have to send out an extra special thanks to my wonderful friend Michael Frank, who did something almost unheard of -- he let me who has never driven on a track like this before drive his wonderful Ser. II E-type when my Series III E couldn't make the trip due to suspected engine problems. He was an absolute life-saver, and I owe him big-time!

Needless to say, Carol and I are hooked! As JCNA members, Charles and the members of the Empire Division did us proud. It was great to see Dan Thompson and his wife Mady down from Montreal, Rick Lees and his wife and kids, Mark Pavliv from our own JTC, Warren Hansen "The Slalom King" in his beautiful Silver Bolide, and Pascal with his 8 year old daughter as navigator all the way up from Florida. The entire Hagopian clan was in great spirits, out-partying everyone at the Friday night dinner, and all of them performed superbly on the track.

So thank you one and all. See you out there again next year, if not sooner!

Steve Weinstein and Carol McKenzie

Submitted by on Mon, 06/03/2002 - 00:00

Your car and your driving were impressive to say the least Pascal!

I flogged the X-type pretty hard. The stock tires must have lost quite a bit of tread. The brake pads must be thinner too. But the neatest part was bouncing it off the rev limiter in third and fourth gears on the front straight. In both cases the engine would cut completely at 7200 rpm and then come back to life again when the clutch was depressed.

Not surprisingly, I found out that a 2.5 litre X-type, with 194 horsepower and just under 3500 pounds, would not out-accelerate 4.2 litre or 5.3 litre E-types on the front straight at Lime Rock. But the excellent handling, great steering and strong brakes allowed me to close right up in the twisty parts. The car really is world class. I was approached by dozens of people all weekend who were interested in getting one themselves. Good advertisement for Jaguar.


Submitted by warren.hansen@… on Mon, 06/03/2002 - 00:00

I still have some thread left on PZeros but after parking into the garage this morning after 18 hours on the road, nearly non stop, I looked at my E-type and smiled... the front wheels are nearly black with brake dust, there is some mud behind the wheels, and the front of the bonnet and the windshield have enough bugs to supply an army of fishermen ....

3500 miles in 5 days... including 60 or 70 laps of Lime Rock... the V12 ran nearly continously for 21 hours on the way up and 18 on the way down... didn't miss a beat !

We need more of these events !


: owner of a 2002 X-type with bald tires and no brake pads....