Over the past week, there has been a lenghty, interesting discussion on Jag Lovers Concours list about the need for originality guides to improve the accuracy of judging at our concours.

Various issues have been discussed, including some rules questions.

Because of the heavy JCNA content, and since these are clearly JCNA issues, I'm hoping we can move this discussion here on the JCNA forum where we can get feedback from additional JCNA members, judges and directors.

first, it would be great to know which guides are being prepared as we speak and if any are advanced enough, we need to present them here on the site so that theirs author can get some feedback.

Bob Stevenson's Series 1 E-type guide is available and it woudl be great if judges or those with good knowledge of the S1 could review it and post their remarks in the Originality forum. This will allow Bob to further refine his work.

Steve Averill has completed a guide for the XJ6C which I would like very much to post here on the site as well . Steve ?

For the S3 E-type, scans of a guide presented in 1990 have been posted, but the format is obviously a problem since they are images. With a good deal of the research already done, it's now a matter of retyping and formatting. any volunteer ?

Any other guides out there ?

On a related note, in order to facilitate communications with judges, I've added a separate field on the club data page to list each club head judge. this will allow anouncement to be sent out and just like for editors, a list of email addresses will be available in the password protected club area. This would be very useful to encourage judges to review the guides and use them in the field. If you are the head judge for your club, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR EMAIL IS LISTED ON YOUR CLUB DATA PAGE !

If you do not have an email address, any announcement will be sent to the main email address listed on the club page.


JCNA Webmaster

Submitted by bjm4823@aol.com on Wed, 07/03/2002 - 00:00

: Over the past week, there has been a lenghty, interesting discussion on

: Jag Lovers Concours list about the need for originality guides to

: improve the accuracy of judging at our concours.

: Any other guides out there ?

: Pascal

: JCNA Webmaster

Pascal, you are probably already aware but, for the benefit of the group, another Jag-Lover member and I have just recently agreed combine efforts in creating a Ser III XJ6/12 guide. At this point we are just into the planning stage but once we get rolling I will keep everyone posted.

Doug Dwyer