I most enthusiastically agree with Gary Hagopian, writing in the July-August Jaguar Journal about the Lime Rock driving school event being put on in other areas !!

A couple of times per year I get up to VIR (Virginia International Raceway), pay my $30 for several laps ... single file, no passing .... just be able to push my XJS as fast as I can through those S-bends. The XJS really is not built for this, but, with V-rate tires, I am always energized by how well it powers through those curves.

Count me in to help with one in our area.

Jim Kennedy - CJC

Submitted by dano73700@mind… on Fri, 07/26/2002 - 00:00

Great... For the Southeast, we have 2 possibilities for next year depending on wether or not we can get a date. Roebling Rd might possibly have a free week end late summer otherwise the track near Columbia was suggest by Darryl Beach of the SC club and they might have more openings, possibly in the spring.

stay tuned, Darryl also volunteered his help so it looks like the Carolina clubs will lead the effort !

In the meantime, I found a Florida group, multi make, that runs as various tracks and I'll be running at Sebring 2 weeks from now and at Atlanta Motorspeedway's road course in 3 weeks... I can't wait !


: I most enthusiastically agree with Gary Hagopian, writing in the

: July-August Jaguar Journal about the Lime Rock driving school event

: being put on in other areas !!

: A couple of times per year I get up to VIR (Virginia International

: Raceway), pay my $30 for several laps ... single file, no passing

: .... just be able to push my XJS as fast as I can through those

: S-bends. The XJS really is not built for this, but, with V-rate

: tires, I am always energized by how well it powers through those

: curves.

: Count me in to help with one in our area.

: Jim Kennedy - CJC