: Greetings,

: I feel great about the fact that not only are there folks out there

: reading the Forum, but also my editorials in the Jaguar Journal.


: I run "HPDE" events in

: my '62 E-type, with several enthusiast groups, most of whom don't

: require membership. By identifying a JCNA member in each region

: who'll be willing to be the focal point for the folks wishing to try

: HPDE events, we may be able to establish a trend, and enjoy the

: performance aspects of our Jags, like the Empire Div. Jag. Club who

: has been doing it for 30 years! Here on this forum, you can get a

: feel for the enthusiasm of some of our members.

: Gary Hagopian, JCNA President


It just so happens that we were discussing this very topic over lunch after the JAG slalom at Jaguar HQ in Mahwah, NJ this past Saturday. The concensus seemed to be that it makes more sense to try to combine with other clubs that are scheduling track time already, like the Porsche, BMW or other clubs, or VSCCA, SCCA, etc. The biggest problem for most of us is finding out about these events in time to sign up.

I like your idea of having someone in each Region to coordinate information on these events. I've noticed in the British club magazines, ike Jaguar Drivers' Club and Jaguar Enthusiasts Club, they regularly list in their calendars track events, tours and rallies sponsored by other clubs and organizations. With the expanded capabilities of this website, perhaps we could add a calendar for track/racing events that would include not only the JCNA slaloms and Empire Division Lime Rock dates, but also track events, auto-cross and other racing information. The same can apply to rallying, where other clubs and groups sponsor rallies around the country, but our members just don't know about them. And touring events, for that matter.

The more chances people have to come out and enjoy driving their cars, whether high performance, auto-crossing, slaloming or rallying, the more they will feel a part of this group, and the better advertising it is for JCNA and the local clubs as well.

Speaking of advertising, how about sending every member a JCNA window sticker or two with their membership renewal. JEC does it. I have Jaguar Touring Club stickers on my cars, but nothing that says JCNA. Just a thought.


Steve Weinstein, JTC-NJ

Submitted by tony.teo@dnv.com on Wed, 08/21/2002 - 00:00

It's all your fault ... :-) you sort of convinced me to go to Limerock the first time...

The E would have done fine at Atlanta... maybe even better with those good brakes. Just picked up the XKR from service... new starter and new rotors under warranty. They knew better than asking where all the brake dust on the front wheels and on the car behind the front wheels came from... :-)

I'm signed up for Homestead end of October and I'm going to do Moroso near Palm Beah early november. Probably the R at Homestead and the E at Moroso. I'm hoping Gary will attend Moroso as he will be in Florida.


Submitted by Veedub33@myself.com on Wed, 08/21/2002 - 00:00

: Gary,

: here is another motivational piece... including a sequence of pictures

: of the Etype going thru the hairpin chicane at Sebring...

: We need JCNA to help regions develop such activities !

: Pascal


You, sir, are having w-a-a-a-y too much fun! (But thank you for sharing it with the rest of us!) Great essay, great pictures; the sunrise shot of the XKR has to be the alltime best picture of that car I have ever seen!

The idea of a group of JCNA members taking their cars onto the track as part of an event already organized by another club makes the most sense to help this activity develop critical mass. If the national organization doesn't want to get involved in events that are not JCNA-exclusive, there is no reason why local clubs -- or even just individual Jag owners -- can't make this happen. (After all, even the Lime Rock weekend isn't Jags only.) It seems the track has to be appropriate for the cars that attend; you were wise not to take the E-Type to Atlanta, even though a track like Lime Rock seems to work for all models.



Submitted by pkeegan278@aol.com on Mon, 08/19/2002 - 00:00


you have a point there. Starting up with other groups is one way to go.

However, it might not be as "user friendly" as a Jaguar mostly event.

I had a terrific time 2 sundays in a row, and the CMS event is very very well done ( see my post a few minutes ago) but they've got some verious serious cars there... in addition to adrenaline rush of 3000 hp geting on the banking at the same time mentioned in my post, there were also a couple of quick formula Mazda open wheeler, various all out race cars including a Ferrari 360 Challenge... talk a bout fast... the guy passed me in the infield. by the time I got on the banking, he was already breaking for the chicane 1/2 mile away.

so non Jaguar events might be a bit intimidating for most members and I think there will be a need for our own event. that will require some hard work and support from JCNA to get the ball rolling.

as far as listing such events in the calendar, we do accept non sanctioned event and although the emphasis has been on club organized events we can relax that by allowing other events in which JCNA members participate. Could be track days, british shows, etc...
