Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 11/18/2001 - 17:00

[Note: posted on behalf of Gary by Steve Averill at I believe Gary's referring to ]

As the current JCNA President, I feel compelled to reply to Mr. AverillÆs most recent posting.

Whether intentional or not, these remarks cast doubt as to the value of your JCNA membership, and a shadow over the motivation and activities of your JCNA Board of Directors.

Here are some facts regarding what we as individuals receive for the $17.00 in dues, which the JCNA ôsnagsö from us:

1. Six issues of The Jaguar Journal, at a production and mailing cost of approx. $4.00 per issue. ($24.00 / yr.)

This fine magazine is improving, and has expanded from 16 to 36 pages, during the same time that our dues have remained constant!

2. Group liability insurance covering your club, its workers, and the JCNA, at a rate unattainable by clubs, individually. Last year, the limits increased from $1m / $2m, to $3m /$4m with no increased cost to JCNA members. ($2.25)

3.Direct financial contributions from JAGUAR CARS, supporting our affiliate clubÆs activities. ($38,000.00 in Y2K !!) ($6.00)

4. The JCNA Awards program, recognizing annual winners in Concours, Slalom, and Rally programs, for both Regional and JCNA-wide competition. The JCNA provides approximately 200 personalized, engraved trophies, at no cost to the recipients. ($1.00)

5. Administrative costs/member, at this time, unknown to me. These cover: office expenses, mailing costs, telephone expenses for the JCNAÆs ô800ö . ($??.??)

6. Lastly, the cost to make this excellent web site available to everyone. It will soon reach.


The bottom line is that each member pays $17.00 in JCNA dues, and receives more than DOUBLE THAT AMOUNT, in value. $34.25 !!

The actual dollars expended on our behalf, pale in comparison to the unbelievable amounts of time donated by the members (including Mr. Averill) whose efforts run all these programs. I would like to name them, but would undoubtedly miss, and therefore, offend some of these fine folks, so I wonÆt!!

It is these people, whose unselfish efforts help generate the funds necessary to supplement the shortfall from dues.

Now, to the motivation and activities of the JCNAÆs Board of Directors.

During my 20 years as a JCNA member, and in a total of 5 yrs. as a Regional Director, I have been unable to perceive any gain other than personal satisfaction, achieved by any JCNA officer or Director. Quite the contrary ! These folks have willingly given their time, money, and their considerable expertise, in guiding, administering, and growing the JCNA. A director is expected to attend two BOD meetings, and the AGM annually, requiring a total of 4 û 6 days of personal time, and at current rates of travel, hotel, and food costs, about $1500.00 - $1800.00 of their personal, after-tax income! This is the equivalent to our officers & directors making a collective donation to the JCNA, amounting to $4.00 per JCNA member.

I hope that you find this explanation, enlightening. If you have doubts or questions regarding JCNA activities, contact me at: I intend to insure presentation of all sides of any further issues!


Gary Hagopian, JCNA President

Submitted by on Thu, 10/17/2002 - 00:00


Sorry about the cubic inch reference. I've just had the car for a few days and couldn't remember the liter value at the time. The 258 CI engine is a 4.2liter. Hell, I even misspelled gauge!
