I ordered a grill badge, jacket patch and window transparencies from JCNA using the website's "JCNA Shoppe" and used Paypal for payment. My items arrived safe and sound 1 week later. Bravo to the webmaster, the JCNA treasurer and Dick Howe for great service!


Submitted by stephanschmitt… on Thu, 10/24/2002 - 00:00

: This may be too easy a remedy, but is there a thick felt ring on the

: "stop" portion of your dipstick? If not, oil will blow past

: the dipstick. Hard to find these listed in the catalogs, but the

: parts houses have them.

: Patrick McLoad

: JC Houston

I agree with Patrick. I made mine using my gasket cutter and a 1/4" thick piece of felt. The stop conceals it. Let us know if this helped and try to drive the car more often at least 20 miles at a time once a month.

Stew Cleave


Submitted by SW03-09811 on Thu, 10/24/2002 - 00:00

This may be too easy a remedy, but is there a thick felt ring on the "stop" portion of your dipstick? If not, oil will blow past the dipstick. Hard to find these listed in the catalogs, but the parts houses have them.

Patrick McLoad

JC Houston

Submitted by richneary@aol.com on Thu, 10/24/2002 - 00:00

Regarding a 1970 E-type OTS and an oil leak problem. This is a frame off restored car near 100 points.This problem has just surfaced in the past several months.

Problem: Oil leaking from the dip stick hole.

What I know for sure: The dipstick is the correct one.

The oil level is correct. Not overfilled.

The ventilation system is clean and clear including

screen and tubes.

No blue smoke, except a very small amount when first


Compression check is as follows:

Cylinders #1 and #2 - 186 and 178 respectively.

Cylinders #3,4,5,6 - Average about 146.

Car is not driven as frequently as it should be.

About once every three months. Not started and run on

a routine basis.

Leak does not occur at idle. Only when driven or

revved to about 4000 rpm or above.

What I think is the problem: Stuck oil ring in #1 and #2 cylinder causing

blow by.

Question: Is there any way to "unstick" these rings? I really do not want to get into a $3,500 ring job.Understandably, do not want to do this to a cosmetically and otherwise, concourse level car. Any hints as to what I might do at this point to unstick these rings? I would truly appreciate any help or hints you can give me.

Submitted by rcpeters@dslex… on Thu, 10/10/2002 - 00:00

thks.. credit to Nelson and Dick who handle the merchandise... I just setup the system ... :-) we need more things... JCNA polos, denim shirts, sweat shirts, caps, etc...

you're kidding ? I still have my 99 Festival decal and Pikes Peak pass... along with a Jag Lovers sticker.. never lost a point.


: It's great to have this stuff up on the website. Bravo Pascal! BTW, the

: window transparencies are very cool but not allowed in JCNA concours.

: It seems we would allow those. We penalize members for promoting our

: club. I must say though, that I have them on both Jags and have never

: gotten a deduction. That brings up another point. How about these lax

: judges... oh never mind (-;

: John Testrake


Submitted by dougburgy@msn.com on Thu, 10/10/2002 - 00:00

: I ordered a grill badge, jacket patch and window transparencies from

: JCNA using the website's "JCNA Shoppe" and used Paypal for

: payment. My items arrived safe and sound 1 week later. Bravo to the

: webmaster, the JCNA treasurer and Dick Howe for great service!

It's great to have this stuff up on the website. Bravo Pascal! BTW, the window transparencies are very cool but not allowed in JCNA concours. It seems we would allow those. We penalize members for promoting our club. I must say though, that I have them on both Jags and have never gotten a deduction. That brings up another point. How about these lax judges... oh never mind (-;

John Testrake