The 2003 version of the Jaguar Clubs of North America (JCNA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled for March 20th-23rd in Charlotte, North Carolina. The JCNA AGM is traditionally the place where new initiates are discussed, new ideas brought to light, new regulations voted on and new ways of doing things given the chance to stand on their own. The AGM will be attended by regional representatives from the six geographical regions of North America and representatives of most, if not all, of the 50-odd local clubs will be present, carrying the right to vote that is the backbone of the democratic process behind JCNA.

In my capacity as vice president of JCNA and a regional director, I would like to encourage the executive of all JCNA member clubs across the country to make sure that their voices are heard, their concerns addressed and their desires for improvement understood. All of us who run local clubs face the same challenges: attracting and retaining Jaguar enthusiasts both young and old, veterans and "newbies" through a combination of offerings designed to appeal to everybody. Drives, tours, rallies, slaloms, concours, BBQ's, technical seminars, dinner parties, high performance track days.... you name it and we try it! The role of JCNA is to act as a central clearing house for ideas and initiatives that could benefit the membership as a whole by fostering excitement and enthusiasm at the local club level. Hopefully, our presence helps make the local club's job just a little easier.

I am hoping to put together what I colloquially call a "top ten" wish list of items that can be addressed/discussed/implemented at the 2003 AGM next March. These initiatives can and will come from the local club and membership level. I encourage you to make your opinion known by sending me an email at or phoning me directly at 514-848-0716 (working hours E.S.T.) or writing to me at my home address listed in the Jaguar Journal.

Items to consider can come from the following:

- is your club membership shrinking, growing or stable?

- if it is growing, what are the keys (in your opinion) to your success and can other clubs benefit from that knowledge?

- if it is shrinking, why are members departing? Have you appointed someone as "membership turnover chairperson"? Basically a fancy title but it entails polling the departing members and asking them why they are leaving and what it would take to get them back. We can learn a lot from this information.

- if your membership is stable, what do you think it would take to move it into a growth pattern?

- looking at the list of events you hosted for your club members in 2002, what events would you qualify as a success? As a failure? Have you tried out new things that resulted in increased enthusiasm amongst members? What are they and can the lesson be applied to other clubs?

- does your club hold a JCNA sanctioned concours? What percentage of your membership is interested in concours versus simply participating in a car show? What about slaloms and rallies? Would you like to see other nationally or regionally sanctioned events added to the activities list? What type of activity?

- do you link up with other Jaguar clubs in your geographic region in order to hold joint events? If you have, has it been a success? How can JCNA or your regional director help make this concept more of a reality for your club?

- what is the average age of your club members? Do you have concerns about attracting and retaining younger members or younger generations of Jaguar enthusiasts? What initiatives have you put in place to address the situation? Have they been successful? Why or why not?

- does your club have a positive relationship with a local dealer or Jaguar corporate? If you do, what have been your experiences? If not, do you think such corporate support would be beneficial?

- does your club enjoy a close relationship with your JCNA Regional Director? If not, in what ways would you see your regional director playing a more active role in the management of your club? If yes, can you give examples of the support you have received and specifically how you think your experience could help other clubs/regions?

- what is your impression of the Jaguar Journal? Are you happy with the content and frequency of the magazine? If you had the opportunity to suggest improvements, what would they be?

- do you or members of your club utilize JCNA's website services? Are you happy with the content? Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

This list of questions is not intended to be all-encompassing, but rather just some points designed to get the thought process kick started. Again, please feel free to contact me in any one of the ways described above to discuss further. I promise your concerns will receive a receptive and sympathetic ear and will be given the attention they deserve!

May I humbly suggest that this letter be published in your local newsletter (if you have the space) and members encouraged to communicate directly with me with ideas.

Many thanks for your hard work and commitment to the hobby,

Daniel Thompson

JCNA vice president

Regional Director (NE)

Communications Committee Chair

Concours Rule Book Editor

president - Ottawa Jaguar Club #48

treasurer and membership chairman - JOA Montreal #53

Submitted by on Fri, 11/01/2002 - 00:00


you're missing a / there... the original address was not

Anyway tt now redirects to one of the new ressource centers which includes links, calendars rules, etc... for each of the JCNA activities ( Concours, Slalom, Rally AND HPDEs )

We're in the process of "recruiting" regional coordinators to setup a full program for next year.

There are far more members interested in this than previously thought ! welcome out of the closet :-)

Check out the page and keep an eye on it.


Taking the E-type to Moroso on Sunday ( a road course near West PAlm Beach... ) ... yeah !

Submitted by on Fri, 11/01/2002 - 00:00

Dear Daniel:

I'm newsletter editor for Jaguar Club of Central Arizona. After a story in the October issue about the JCNA's interest in on-track activities, I went to the website to fill out the "simple survey" on the subject, but couldn't find it under

So, I'm forwarding my response/info to you in the hope this will get back to the powers that be.

I personally have HUGE interest in driving my 68 E-Type roadster in a club track event. I can't speak for the other members, but such an event would be a great, active alternative to the wipe & shine inactivity of our annual concours.

Interestingly enough, there's a new 16-turn, 2.25-mile road course due to open Spring 2003 in Goodyear, AZ, about 25 minutes west of downtown Phoenix. There should be enough interest if we also lure the JCSA (Tucson Club) into a combined track day at this venue. Or, if we need more cars, a statewide track day for all English marques could fit the bill. Currently, the only opportunity to slog the Jags around at speed is a once-yearly track touring event at Phoenix Int'l Raceway during the VARA vintage race event. There's gotta' be a better alternative.

Thanks for listening,

Mike Silverman

10663 E. Terra Dr.

Scottsdale, AZ 85258