I need to replace the A/C compressor on my '96 XJ6 (Denso 10PA17C). Any suggestions for online sources or otherwise? I live in Ventura County, CA. Thank you.

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Wed, 03/17/2004 - 06:31

Try four seasons as they control almost all reproduction of AC parts. If your comp. froze then you must flush the system (esp. the condenser) and replace the filter. The new compressor vendor will insist if you want a warranty.

George Camp

Submitted by phps@pacbell.net on Sun, 03/07/2004 - 20:35

Thank you for your reply. The compressor froze completely and without warning, causing the drive belt to vanish. Fortunately, it is a single-purpose belt.

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Sun, 03/07/2004 - 15:48

Try your local AC shop they will stock or at least be able to match your compressor. Otherwise call Lucas AC 818 782 3501. What is wrong with your compressor? you will need to change the drier and perhaps flush out the system.

Jaguar affectionado and etc.