Hello All,

I'd like to comment on an article published by George Parker regarding his JT5 5 speed installation on the JCNA website.

I quote from the article "Don't attempt it unless you're prepared to address the problems I've described".

These so called "problems" are mentioned in our "READ ME FIRST" sheet and are spelled out clearly. They are not problems. His kit was supplied with complete instructions and a read me first sheet. Because of varying types of clutch forks and slave cylinders it is permissable to grind our transmission case and ears. This is not a problem.

For some reason people think these hand built cars are built accuratly. They are not. One of the reasons I don't like selling a driveshaft with my kits. Personally my idea of the kit was to build something accurate and not duplicate sloppy tolerances. However we do sell a shaft with the kit now. The factory transmission mounts and splined drive shafts have an extreme amount of slop built in to compensate for over 1.5" of movement. Other kits duplicate the slop, we don't.

With over 700 kits installed ( more than any other so called specialist ) and zero failures, I think we do something right. At times some floors vary and the shifter we use may not work as well. This has happened maybe 4 times out of 700 plus. The JT5 can't compensate for more than .5" of slop. Oddly no one contacted me, about the so called problems. We could have easily sent out another shifter to accomidate Mr. Parker's floor. Furthermore, I always fit the transmission to the bellhousing before shipping. If they felt it was too tight, send it back to me and let me be the judge. After all it's under warranty. I'd pick up the shipping costs with no problem. Just like a new car, if you have a warranty issue, it goes back, you don't fix it the way YOU think it should be fixed and then complain about it.

In closing I appeciate that Mr. Parker chose the JT5 to install and write about. Please consider my concern when the first time I'm hearing about someones problems, are from a published story on a major website, months later.

We are a 24 year old automotive tranmission company and welcome published critique. It's what makes us stay on top. The JT5 is the only 5 speed raced by XK's Unlimited, Terry's Jaguar, Predator performance and is also raced in many non Jag applications. Scott Klein's Predator built E-Type is equipped with one of my race 4 SPEEDS and recently took a land slide victory at Watkin's Glen, beating out the the so called fasted Jag built by Donovan Jaguar. We are also THE ONLY company dealing with jags and 5 speeds for historic racing to exhibit at the Performance Racing Industry Show.

Thanks for your time,

Paul Cangialosi
Medatronics Corp
Creators of the JT5 5 speed.

Submitted by ghagopian@jcna.com on Sun, 11/07/2004 - 23:35


Far from being an article that might discourage folks from considering a Medatronics 5-speed conversion, I can attest that it has had exactly the opposite effect. I've received phonecalls from guys interested, and always recommend that they go ahead. I'm told by our club's newsletter editor, that other clubs have asked him if they could include that article in THEIRs!
This has all great publicity for a fine conversion. As you know, the Medatronics 5-speed in my '62 E type has accumulated 50K trouble-free miles. That's why George bought your kit in the first place.
So, relax and enjoy the free publicity! I'd say that you oughta buy George a drink, next time you see him!

Best regards,
Gary Hagopian, 1962 5-speed E type FHC

Submitted by support@5speeds.com on Wed, 10/27/2004 - 12:30

Thanks everyone for your kind words. Again the point of the letter is that we do pride ourselves on customer service, after all this is all we do. I was just surprised that things labeled as "problems" are spelled out clearly in our instructions. If there is a real problem I think I'd like to know about it before someone publishes false information.

For what it's worth... I run a message board on my website and allow people to freely discuss my products, COMPETITIONS products, problems, corrections, etc. I find most message board systems are self serving B.S.. I'm actually happy that the JCNA allows people like George Parker to write about their experiences. I feel the sharing of knowledge helps companies learn about customers, and better their products. I know for a fact other places edit or delete posts that are not in the best interests of their company. I' don't.

Thanks for the equal time,

Paul Cangialosi
Medatronics Corp.

Submitted by NE52-32043 on Fri, 10/22/2004 - 15:07


Having driven your car too (actually, on the track at Lime Rock, if you recall), I'd second that as well. I'm kind of second guessing my decision to stick with the 4-speed in the '69 that I'm restoring right now. When I get to work on the '70, I think the 5-spd is almost a sure thing since the existing tranny needs a total rebuild anyway.


Submitted by mfrank@westnet.com on Fri, 10/22/2004 - 13:31

I, too have a JT5. In fact, I'm pretty sure that my JT5 was the first one installed in a Series II 2+2. The work was completed five years ago. There were similar adjustments needed to fit the box. The tweaking wasn't expected, but it wasn't a big deal. The box has been solid ever since it was installed.

I wouldn't recommend anything other than a JT5 to someone attempting a fivespeed conversion. A friend who's driven my car describes it as the "best E-Type mod ever", and I agree.

Mike Frank

Submitted by pascal@jcna.com on Fri, 10/22/2004 - 12:32

I agree with you Steve... knowing Gary, I'm sure getting help wasn't an option :-) although I also know that Paul provides excellent, second to none customer service... Indeed, these cars are not identical like modern cars are but the JT5 is as drop in as gearbox conversion can be. I've seen other 5 speeds kits being installed, and it's not always a pretty sight.

I have about 50k miles on my JT5 in 5 years, including many flat out track miles and it's the only gear box to have in an e-type...

Pascal Gademer
South Florida Jaguar Club
72 E-type 2+2
00 XKR Coupe
99 XJR

Submitted by NE52-32043 on Fri, 10/22/2004 - 11:59


I read the article and did not find George's comments to be at all critical of you or your transmission. I think that most of us recognize that in any old car, issues related to the installation of something as complex and exacting as a transmission conversion will often require "fitting" to make it work. I had a long conversation with Gary Hagopian about his experience doing this installation a couple of weeks ago. I think that Gary and George undertook the fixes that they made because of the tight time schedule they were working under. I'm sure, knowing Gary, that had they had the time and not had to improvise to complete the installation over a weekend, they would have reached out for you and done it a little differently, more like what you suggest. I'm sure Gary can address that issue. Understand, Gary is a highly skilled machinist and engineer, so modifying mechanicals and making things work is part of the fun for him.

I know a number of people who have used the JT5 installation kit and everyone is universally pleased with both the fit and finish of the unit, as well as its overall performance. In contast, I know of several others who used units from other sources with mixed results, and in one case, mechanical failure. I'm looking at doing work on my '70 XKE FHC next year, and the transmission is one of the things on the agenda. A 5-speed is highly desirable, and if I do one, it's going to be a JT5 from Paul Cangialosi.

Steve Weinstein