Wow! Look at all them 100's in Pittsburgh! Better be careful guys, some JCNA members will ride you unmercifully and make claims that "you hand out 100's like candy"!

Patrick McLoad

Submitted by SE12-36896J on Wed, 11/17/2004 - 22:06

November 17,2004

Mr Mcload and Mr Klein-

We are discussing an expensive past- time, the showing of upper-end British classic and antiques that must be shown at a factory level.
You are both aware of this with prior competition at a national level. I have attended the Pittsburgh concours for the last three years, and have not achieved a 100 pt. score in this event but have been national champion 2002,2003,2004 for my XK 150. I have achieved 100 pt. on three occasions elsewhere. The C05 winner this year was docked for steering wheel delamination at the Pittsburgh show and he is a member of the Pittsburgh club.
Back to the original statement I made-I spend 5000-8000 dollars per season, to maintain my XK 150.,this is required; and, since I am not personally talented, these are the cost to maintain and display a car at a factoty fresh level. I am not factoring the cost of 55,000.00 that includes my wife's fractured spine from the auto accident ,attempting to attending the S.Carolina concours in 2003. This is the price of vanity that I will always live with!
What is the purpose of concours competion?:1-to take the automobile to the highest and most perfect level of factory representation; 2- for the individual who is talented enough to complete his own work and wants to have fun; 3- and, for the individual who is the most nornmal[ present company excluded], who enjoys the fellowship,though will have a dificult time competing at a national level, but who will also learn quite a bit about his car.
I am returning to Pittsburgh next year and I hope you will come. Perception makes a better reality if directly witnessed.

Ron Gaertner