I just purchased a 2001 S type 3 litres. Anything I should know about maintenance and usual bugs on this machine? The Engine icon is showing up and I believe it is misfiring on one cylinder. Any suggestions before I waste my time at the local Jag dealer! Now let me compare this car with my Sovereign 92 (a real gem)à IÆm just anticipating getting back behind the wheel of my Sovereign as soon winter will be leaving us, S type canÆt compare, yes, there is a lots of bells and whistles and cool features on a S type but the general feeling is more of an American car ( LS ) than a Jag. IÆm I to difficult or unfair here? Share your opinions on the S type I may enjoy it better after I get this engine mode fixed. How many HP on a S type 3.0 compare to a Sovereign 4.0?
Thank you, again, comments will be apreciated
Jacques Labelle

Submitted by tommcm@comcast.net on Sat, 01/29/2005 - 12:43

Hello Jacque:

I am not sure if my problem mirrors yours, however I have a 2000 "S" type 4.0.

I can't find the repair order right now but I had the same problem about a year ago. This is not an expensive repair and as I understand it each cylinder has it's own dual electronics that fire the cylinder and permit whats called the "limp" mode when one of the systems fail.

It seems that these (whatever they are) are susceptible to moisture. It is a simple replacement that the dealer can do at a reasonable cost. I'll try to find the RO and give you specifics. The problem is that its my wifes car and she is not as anal as I am about keeping records.

At any rate, be grateful you bought the 2001 as I understand that they are a bit better than the 2000. If you go to the current production web site here you will find more postings about the "S" type. If my memory serves me correctly, the repair was under $300.

All of the bells and whistles are indeed a problem. You can view my post on the Current Production Posts and see that I am having a recurring problem with the voice activated system that controls the heat and virtually everything else on the car. It goes haywire sometimes and it will start asking you questions over and over again. Noone seems to be able to fix it?

I doubt this helps much, but at lease you have a little something to go on.