Dear JCNA Judges and Concours Entrants,

A. You may not yet have heard the results of the concours rule changes proposed at the AGM. All-in-all, it was good news for both Judges and Entrants.

B. All of the Judge's Concours Rules Committee's (JCRC) proposals were
ratified and most were approved to be effective for the 2005 competitive year. The extensively rewritten Chapter VI, "Judge's Guide for Scoring
Non-Authenticity", was approved but it will not be effective until January 1, 2006.

C. Changes effective immediately are:

1. Splitting both Champion and Driven Division classes of XJS Entries:
(Ch. II, Sec. 2B and 3B)
C15A and D8A: XJ-S (1976-91) (Pre-facelift models)
C15B and D8B: XJS (1992-96) (Post-facelift models)

2. Changing the name of the Mechanical section of the score sheets to
"Operation Verification", simplifying the manner in which deductions for
light and horn malfunctions are scored, and clarifying and formalizing the
optional use and authority of a separate team or teams for conducting
Operation Verification checks. The Primary Judging Team is allowed an
additional 5 minutes, if required, to conduct Operation Verification at the
completion of their component judging.(Ch. III, Sec. G-1)

3. Allowing 15 minutes of "Courtesy Repair Time" for the Entrant to
correct any malfunctions that are found during Operation Verification. (Ch.
III, Sec. G-2)

4. Re-formatting the Score Sheets to include:
a. - A separate sheet (Page #1) for the aforementioned Operation
- Exterior (Page #2),
- Interior and Boot (Page #3)
- Engine (Page #4).
b. A new box on each sheet in which the Judge must indicate the
location of major condition and cleanliness deductions which have been made.
c. The Boot and Interior components are now on the same sheet (#3),
to be inspected by the same Judge. For Driven Division, only the first three pages of the score sheets should be used, with the Boot section, items 28 through 42, on the third page, lined out.

NOTE: During the AGM it was observed that a "Cleanliness" line appeared
to have been omitted from the "Body Doors and Bonnet" box of the Exterior
score sheet. Upon subsequent examination, it was verified that all prior
JCNA score sheets were printed the same way and that "Cleanliness" properly
appears only in the next box under "Paint Finish", where the same items
continue to be examined for other types of discrepancies.

D. It is intended that JCRC will edit Chapter V this year. When reviewing
the current Chapter V, please think "Operation Verification" wherever you
read "Mechanical Checks".

E. All of the Rule Book revisions are now available for down loading on the
Concours page of the JCNA web site. PLEASE READ THE "RULE BOOK SYNOPSIS"
FIRST. You will find that only 3 pages in Chapter II, 13 pages in Chapter
III and the Score Sheets have changed for 2005.

F. The 2005 Judge's Test will be posted on the web site in the next few days. The new answer sheet will be sent only to Chief Judges.

Best wishes for a great concours season, your constructive comments are always welcome.

Dick Cavicke

Submitted by SW03-09811 on Tue, 05/03/2005 - 00:03

Doug, William, and Bob,
When Appendix B (Tire and Wheel Information) of the Rule Book was revised in 2004 it was acknowledged, up front, that despite our sincere efforts, it might not be complete or 100% accurate. The entire book is a work in progress which, with your help, will improve year by year.

Your observations are noted and will be considered in the next revision. Please read all of the following which appears at the top of Appendix B. No Judge should balk at accepting the tire information, contained in the Owner's Manual, as evidence of the proper size.

"Appendix B
Original Equipment Tire and Wheel Information for SS & Jaguar Cars

The following information is based on the best data available and is for use in judging. Some non-North American and International models may not be included. This information may be superseded either by the tire and wheel data contained in the Owner's Manual for a specific model Jaguar or by the Tyre Recommendation Plate attached to the car. Recommendations for additions or corrections to this appendix are encouraged and may be sent to the Chairman of the Judge's Concours Rules Committee (the address can be found in the Clubs, JCNA Committees, Section of the Jaguar Journal). A copy of the page(s) of the applicable Owner's Manual, or a photo of the Tyre Recommendation Plate, specifying the tire size and/or wheel description, should accompany all submissions."

Dick Cavicke

Submitted by dougdwyer@adel… on Fri, 04/29/2005 - 15:39

I guess I'm the only one, then :-)

I had the car a couple years before I realized it was there. I decided to open up that little hinged vanity mirror and, voila, there was the label.

On my '87 it mentions both 205/70 and 215/70 as "approved fitment" or something like that.

My '88 XJS has a similar label in the same location....


Doug Dwyer
Longview Washington USA
1987 XJ6 Ser III
1988 XJS V12 Coupe

Submitted by on Fri, 04/29/2005 - 11:16

None of my Series III XJ6s (3 of them) nor my XJ40 have a sticker in the glove box door either. I have to dig this information out of my owner's manual everytime it comes up during concours judging and even then the judges look at me with suspicion because they are going by the judges manual. The solution here is to make the judges manual correct and I hope that will happen as soon as possible.

Submitted by peddlarbob@sym… on Fri, 04/29/2005 - 10:01

Doug only problem with that is and I have just checked my four good cars and two parts cars. None of them have this sticker that you speak about. So I don't know how well that would work for other people.

92 Ser III V-12 VDP #39 Canadian Limited edition
87 Ser III V-12 VDP
86 Ser III AJ6/Sovereign
85 Ser III XJ6/VDP

Submitted by on Thu, 04/28/2005 - 19:00

I am so glad that Bob Higgs brought this up. I have brought this error to people's attention in the past regarding the correct tire size for 1984 and on Series III XJ6 listed in the judges manual and it's been changed twice, neither time correctly.

The owner's manual for my 1986 Series III XJ6 specifically states 215-70/R15 NOT 205 as the table in the latest judges manual indicates.

I had a judge tell me once that Series III XJ6 WITHOUT the 3rd brakelight are supposed to have 205s but if your car has the 3rd brakelight, it should be fitted with 215s. This is an incorrect statement as well. The 3rd brakelight was put on most (but not ALL) of the 1986 and up USA Series III XJ6. However, I do not know about the 3rd brake light with Canadian variants.

I would go so far as to say that it is WRONG for a 1984 and later Series III XJ6 to be fitted with 205-70/R15 size tires.

Submitted by peddlarbob@sym… on Thu, 04/28/2005 - 09:36

Dick. Not knowing the correct procedure to follow with this I have e-mail you directly as well as posting it to the concours forum.

I had reason to be looking at Appendix B page 3 of the Concours rules and regulations and I noted an error.

Under Tire sizes and Wheel selections you have stated that the only size tire for series III XJ6 between 79 and 87 is 205/70/R15. That was the original tire size that Jaguar recommended but in 1984 with the advent of the Series III Sovereign model they changed the tire size to 215/70/R15. So as a result it would be just as correct to either have the original 205/70/R15 as it would be for the 215/70/R15 (I do have supporting documentation if you need it).

Again under tires and wheels you state that the only wheel for a series III XJ6 Sovereign is an Ogle Perforated Alloy. Again untrue. This car came to Canada with either a 5 Spoke Kent Alloy or an Ogle Perforated Alloy. Turned out this was a rather a regional thing. While western Canada received most with the Ogle Perforated, eastern Canada had a preference for the 5 Spoke Kent. All fitted with the 215/70/R15 tire. (Again I have supporting documentation).


92 Ser III V-12 VDP #39 Canadian Limited Edition.
87 Ser III V-12 VDP
86 Ser III AJ6 Sovereign
85 Ser III XJ6/VDP.