Pascal has many times for us to post in the proper area. I ask all regular "helpers" to boycott helping these people who will not post in the correct area. Before you ask it is a big deal as it is a wasteof time to wade through your dribble. Some of us know a little about certain cars and we try to help-- we do not try to join in in areas that either we are ignorant of or are just not interested in. This is a free site and in general good technical information with documentation is provided gratis but I get tired of this as do others and in any case there is just no excuse. Look at the last 7 or so posts in the "general area" there is nothing general about them. If your post can't go in the correct forum then it's possible it will not get a response.

George Camp

Submitted by dougdwyer@adel… on Mon, 07/25/2005 - 23:21

Art, you are very welcome for the fix-it tips.....its the least I can do after you found jumper cables for me up there in Pitt Meadows :-). There I was.....battery dead....a stranded Amurican in a strange land.... :-)

I agree that the cars are the stars.....good philosophy, Art.


Doug Dwyer
Longview Washington USA
1987 XJ6 Ser III
1988 XJS V12 Coupe

Submitted by on Fri, 07/22/2005 - 17:42

>> Well Doug why have forums? How just a big group hug free for all. George Camp

Sounds like a tough day at the Ponderosa.

C'mere, George, I'll give ya a hug !



Harold Leggett
Louisville, Kentucky
1998 XJR, Anthracite/Oatmeal
63,000 miles, 18 lpm

Submitted by on Fri, 07/22/2005 - 17:40

>> Well Doug why have forums? How just a big group hug free for all. George Camp

Sounds like a tough day at the Ponderosa.

C'mere, George, I'll give ya a hug !



Harold Leggett
Louisville, Kentucky
1998 XJR, Anthracite/Oatmeal
63,000 miles, 18 lpm

Submitted by on Fri, 07/22/2005 - 17:39

>> Well Doug why have forums? How just a big group hug free for all. George Camp

Sounds like a tough day at the Ponderosa.

C'mere, George, I'll give ya a hug !



Harold Leggett
Louisville, Kentucky
1998 XJR, Anthracite/Oatmeal
63,000 miles, 18 lpm

Submitted by on Fri, 07/22/2005 - 02:47

As this area is for general items, Doug you are 100% correct what a storm in a tea cup. I would also like to say thanks again for the electrical tip, and thanks for driving all the way to Pitt Meadows for our little show on the grass.Thanksto you Silver and three othe r XJS showed their headlights and cold air intakes to a few hundred people tonight at the Maple Ridge A&W Car Show, hopefully we will have a few brand X cars at our sanctioned slalomon Sunday.
Do not forget Gentlemen , the cars are the stars, we just take care of hem and occasionally they make us look good,
Jaguarishly Yours, Art Dickenson.
1983 XJS GT \"Silver\""

Submitted by dougdwyer@adel… on Thu, 07/21/2005 - 21:39

Yeah, and despite all my requests and warnings over the years, my oldest daughter, 23, STILL forgets to use her salad fork !! No decorum, no discipline.....its awful.

But, being the big ol' softie that I am, I STILL let her have dinner at home any time she wants to come over :-)

Just another "sad reflection" of today's society :-)

(trying for some humor here, guys.......)

Doug Dwyer
Longview Washington USA
1987 XJ6 Ser III
1988 XJS V12 Coupe

Submitted by dougdwyer@adel… on Thu, 07/21/2005 - 21:34

Yeah, and despite all my requests and warnings over the years, my oldest daughter, 23, STILL forgets to use her salad fork !! No decorum, no discipline.....its awful.

But, being the big ol' softie that I am, I STILL let her have dinner at home any time she wants to come over :-)

Just another "sad reflection" of today's society :-)

(trying for some humor here, guys.......)

Doug Dwyer
Longview Washington USA
1987 XJ6 Ser III
1988 XJS V12 Coupe

Submitted by NC19-03320J on Thu, 07/21/2005 - 21:23

George, I guess that we must remember that some folks can't read or dont care that the introduction to this forum states"DO NOT USE" for model specific questions!

Submitted by dougdwyer@adel… on Thu, 07/21/2005 - 21:06

What? I should feel *disdain and contempt* for somebody who posts in the wrong area?? Oh, puh-leeeese. I reserve my contempt and disdain for more serious issues. You should too, I'd say. I suppose that might make me some sort of bleeding heart in your book.

You've taken a minor issue that you find irritating, tried to make it sound really significant, and then have asked others to join you in some form of discipline against the offender. If *that* isn't a "sad reflection", I don't know what is. And, to point out the very obvious, it appears that nobody but you is really all that keen about "boycotting" anybody.

And trying to turn this tiny issue into a commentary on the state of today's society is truly beyond the pale.

So many nice things have been said about you, George. And I am sure many have benefitted from your help and advice. Through this, though, you sound rather like a curmudgeon. I wagering you are really not that way at all.

Best, I think, that the entire matter be dropped.

Whew, what a mess.....over nothing.

Doug Dwyer
Longview Washington USA
1987 XJ6 Ser III
1988 XJS V12 Coupe

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Thu, 07/21/2005 - 20:13

What started as a simple polemic to clean up the board has turned into what is a sad reflection of todays society. Someone (me) asked for the rules to be obeyed and made a suggestion of a possible dicipline for those who don't. Personal attacks-sympathy and excuses for the offenders- and expressions of love for absolute freedom were quickly fired across the "enforcers" bow. What is missing is the distain and contempt for those who either do not want to follow good decorum and dicipline. I might be tempted to say that they display an egotistical attitude or roughly translated "the rules do not apply to me.

In deference to some the purpose of my post was efficency. I have limited time to devote to "helping" fellow club members. I think I have helped a few. This is my hobby and business. I do this for free and was seeking ways to do more in less time (possibly another outdated concept.

Could I have worded it better--sure. Did I say what I wanted to -sure.
Will this help Pascal--don't know. Sure looks like a failure as the first post above this one is for a MK2 wiring diagram. Do I have them--yes. Will I help him--of course but only if he moves his post.

For the grand finish- did he want to type drivel or dribble. He meant dribble as in the liquid that exits the side of ones mouth.

George Camp

Submitted by on Thu, 07/21/2005 - 17:38

Bob wrote: "I do like the word "dribble" though. It is one of those words that you have to be filled with emotion to use well. :)"

I had assumed he meant to say "drivel" which my dictionary defines as "Stupid childish, or sensless talk; Twaddle" also defined as to "say (something) stupidly". Drivel seems to work much better in this application than dribble.

Maybe we should ignore posts in which the wrong words are used. :-)

Regards, John (just trying to bring a little humor into this tempest in a teacup)

Submitted by peddlarbob@sym… on Thu, 07/21/2005 - 16:54

Knit pick that's nice. Knit picking or not when your wrong your just plain wrong and it does not make it any more correct when you come back with a rhetorical remark.

92 Ser III V-12 VDP #39 Canadian limited edition
87 Ser III V-12 VDP
86 Ser III AJ6/Sovereig

Submitted by peddlarbob@sym… on Thu, 07/21/2005 - 15:21

Wouldn't it be nice if people started reading the posts before they take offence to what is written? I donÆt believe that Tom called anybody an egotistical snob. He wrote and I copy in case you missed it.

"Your first post is one of the most egotistical snobbish things I have read here"

I think roughly translated this refers to the passage being Egotistical not the writer. I happen to agree with Tom that George Camps posting could have been worded a lot better. I do like the word "dribble" though. It is one of those words that you have to be filled with emotion to use well. :)

92 Ser III V-12 VDP #39 Canadian limited edition
87 Ser III V-12 VDP
86 Ser III AJ6/Sovereig

Submitted by on Thu, 07/21/2005 - 13:47

we keep things laid back here... i can assure you that many forums (Jaguar or others) are far more strict than we are. Posting a tech question in a general discussion forum shows the posters doens't care to learn about how we operate...

one thing that we don't do is attacks others, incl calling them egotistical snobs... actually, anyone who knows George will have a good laugh at that one!

Submitted by stuross41@eart… on Thu, 07/21/2005 - 13:32

1974 XKE OTS
2000 S-Type V8

Tom et al...I haven't been following this discussion about proper postings too closely, but to reply to Tom's remark about "snobs"...This site is read almost exclusivly by fellow Jag enthusists/owners, so if we're snobs, we're talking to ourselves, so other people's opinions of us really won't matter, at least on the JCNA site.This is really a tempest in a tea pot. It is silly for us to be bickering with each other over this trivia. But by now, Tom has probably signed off as he mentioned on his previous posting. Oh well....
I am off to polish my Bentley....That qualifies me as a "super snob"...Jags and Bentleys. Hooo-boy!

Submitted by mr442nt@wideop… on Thu, 07/21/2005 - 13:23

I am a member of a few different boards, and the attitude of disciplining folks for minor issues is a sore spot. Hey, we have choices here. If you don't want to read a post, DON'T!

George, your first post is one of the most egotistical snobbish things I have read here. A lot of folks think Jaguar owners are snobs to begin with. Thanks a bunch for proving their point. Hey, no worries from me. From this point on, I will no longer be using the JCNA forums. Don't want you to have to "boycott" me or anything. Adios!

Tom Kipp
89 XJ-S Coupe

Submitted by on Wed, 07/20/2005 - 21:16

I couldn't agree more with Pascal. So, the question is what do you do with someone's question if they post in the wrong area. I don't think purposely ignoring them is the best answer. That just seems like a good way to discourage someone from visiting this resource.

I agree with whoever suggested moving the question to the proper area, but in the meantime if some knows the answer then just provide a response. It doesn't hurt anything and it just might keep a newbie coming back.

Regards, John

Submitted by on Wed, 07/20/2005 - 12:59

Keeping things in the right forum is a good idea, it makes it easier to find the right post.

Some members only visit certain forums and are only subscribed to some forms, depending on their area of expertise, so posting an e-type question in General Discussion is likely to get fewer replies...


Submitted by dougdwyer@adel… on Wed, 07/20/2005 - 09:47

That's the spirit, George ! :-)

To answer your question, we have the forums to help each other.

Of course, nobody actually wants a free for all. A few postings in the wrong area is not a free-for-all. And I am guessing even fewer want to gather round and devise punishments for those who make this mistake.

But, enough of this......

Doug Dwyer
Longview Washington USA
1987 XJ6 Ser III
1988 XJS V12 Coupe

Submitted by NE52-32043 on Wed, 07/20/2005 - 09:42

George has a point here. But I'm not sure that boycotting is the correct solution to the problem (we don't want people to lose interest because their questions are not getting answers). On several other websites I participate in, the moderators move postings to the correct forum, leaving behind an automatic message that says "moved". Those boards don't put all the responsibility on one webmaster (I don't want to dump more work on Pascal). Instead, several "forum moderators" are appointed to exercise a degree of control. I don't know if Pascal can build this into the site or not, but it's an alternative.

I do think the best thing we can do right now is answer the questions, but in the opening paragraph of a response, in all caps, say: "IN THE FUTURE, PLEASE POST MODEL-SPECIFIC QUESTIONS TO THE CORRECT FORUM, NOT HERE IN THE GENERAL FORUM." Maybe if people keep seeing that, they will get the idea. Also, perhaps Pascal can put up a big banner on the index page of the General Forum saying the same thing.

Just my $.02.

Steve Weinstein
'70 XKE FHC, '69 XKE OTS

Submitted by on Wed, 07/20/2005 - 01:12

Lets just ban dribble, get to the point,and get the car fixed, as even happened to me, courtesy of Doug Dwyer, thanks again...........This weekend "Silver" hits the Pitt Meadows Slalom Site.....fingers crossed, and no dribbling..........My time to beat this year is 40.1......

Art Dickenson.
1983 XJS GT \"Silver\""

Submitted by dougdwyer@adel… on Tue, 07/19/2005 - 21:22

Sorry, George. Not me. I think your request to "boycott" is not at all in keeping with the intent of these forums, especially in light of the minor nature of the mistake.

If you yourself don't care to reply that is your choice, of course. But asking others to "boycott" a fellow enthusiast seems a bit mean spirited. Sounds as though you've elected yourself the list punisher.

Many here will cheerfully help whenever they have something to offer, regardless of categorizing mistakes.

Doug Dwyer
Longview Washington USA
1987 XJ6 Ser III
1988 XJS V12 Coupe