How should large should the hood to cowl gap be on an Xk150 Roadster?

Donald Mills runs an automotive appraiser business, as well as a restoration shop in Liberty, NC.

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Fri, 08/12/2005 - 17:18

Donald the gap will be determined by the fit of the Bonnet (your hood) to the wings (fenders). Once that relationship is established the gap is what it is and you can not change it without reshaping the wings or bonnet. If the rubber pads are in and the fit is good (and the hinges are good) it will be as correct as it ever was. Watch out for poorly maintained hinges as they wwill allow fouling on the cowl. Good luck. George Camp

George Camp runs an automotive restoration and maintence shop for Jaguar Aston Martin in Columbia SC.