The Model Year ÔÇÖ68 E-type JudgesÔÇÖ Guide (Series 1.5 E-types) has been posted for review and comment on the Concours Page of this web site in the lower left under, ÔÇ£Proposed Documents and Rule ChangesÔÇØ. It can also be accessed through the Home Page under, ÔÇ£Club News & FeaturesÔÇØ. Interested parties should take time to review and comment on this guide. It is scheduled for presentation at the 2006 AGM.

Stew Cleave
JOCO Chief Judge
'69 E-Type 2+2
'01 S-Type
and other LBC's

Submitted by SC38-21185J on Sun, 10/16/2005 - 23:56

Stew: Since I don't own a 1.5, I can't comment on authenticity, however, I hope that by the time the guide makes it through AGM and available for download, that someone will straighten the horizon on the cover's shot. (I know David, so I can kid him about it). If David (or you) will send me the pic, I'll be glad to fix it in Photoshop!
