Does anyone know about the emission law changes that are pending in Ontario Canada? I have read a newspaper story suggesting that very unfavourable changes are coming regarding vintage cars.

I am also presently fighting to pass the car with nothing wrong with it and that passed 14 months ago due to stricter standard.


Dan Lokun
Toronto Canada
90 XJ-S

Submitted by NC43-62049 on Fri, 01/13/2006 - 13:57

Jan 12 2006
The latest news I have heard is that the car will have be tested every year indefinately. Mark me GTT

Dan Lokun
Toronto Canada
90 XJ-S

Submitted by spudboy999@aus… on Fri, 01/06/2006 - 18:38

Just move to Texas! Here if your horn, lights, tires, and brakes are in good condition thats all you need to keep your car registered and legal for driving on the road.....(proof of current insurance too)

1967 420 Saloon...highly modified with many performance upgrades.....

Submitted by peddlarbob@sym… on Wed, 11/30/2005 - 18:18

Dan My 92 Series III V-12 VDP runs so clean it would surprise me if the regulations ever get tight enough for it to fail. The last test results taking in August of this year were recorded as HC ppm 9 Co% 0.01 and No ppm 0 it achieved identical results for both the running and the idle tests. BTW I would be looking at your 02 sensors, could be they are finished or that just the wires have been damaged.

The testing station I have always used is Beckfords service centre on Rossland road in Whitby Ontario. 905-666-0968 Brian is fully conversant with Jaguars having received his basic mechanics training on Jaguars and he stays up to date with his testing equipment. Deadly honest as well.

The Ministry advised me that although the allowable limits are to be tightened on 88 and younger cars. The one time provisional pass will stay in effect. However it is a one time only allowance. If a car fails for the second year in a row it is taken off the road.

92 Ser III V-12 VDP #31 Canadian Edition
87 Ser III V-12 VDP
86 Ser III AJ6/Soveriegn
85 Ser III XJ6 VDP
Mk II 3.4 Automatic.

Submitted by NC43-62049 on Wed, 11/30/2005 - 16:40

The car is very clean - it just runs rich. I was very annoyed with the wasting of time associated with testing and the fact that it does nothing to control pollution in the end result.

My uninformed guess is that there is a defective spark plug or injector or O2 sensor as additional thoughts on the matter.

Silver is a nice colour for this model of car.

If Bob wants, he would be welcome to pass on his valued info on local pros to keep the commercial free rule on this forum.

Info on the new rules needs to sent around to so called new car owners of post 1987 cars.

Eventually your 92 will fail too Bob if the government keeps upping the standards.

Will the repair loophole continue to exist?

Dan Lokun
Toronto Canada
90 XJ-S

Submitted by peddlarbob@sym… on Wed, 11/30/2005 - 11:45

Remember you heard it here first. Got this directly from the Ministry of Transportation.

As of January 1st 2006 Cars of 1987 or earlier years will no longer be required to pass the emissions test in Ontario Canada. They now get a lifetime exemption.

ThatÔÇÖs the good news. The bad stuff is that 1988 and newer will have to be tested for life. There will no longer be a twenty-year-old exemption and they are tightening the requirements for a pass mark.


92 Ser III V-12 VDP #31 Canadian Edition
87 Ser III V-12 VDP
86 Ser III AJ6/Soveriegn
85 Ser III XJ6 VDP
Mk II 3.4 Automatic

Submitted by on Tue, 11/29/2005 - 23:19

Art Dickenson.
1983 XJS GT "Silver"

Gentlemen, one of our members had a recurring fail with his S, I sent him and his car to my favourite Jag repair shop.
It turned out ( his car had a slight miss, barely noticeable, but if you held a dollar bill at each tail pipe you could hear the miss on the one side ) his ignition amplifier ( the square black box in the centre area of the intake manifold ) was toast. The box was replaced with a new one , and immidiately flew through the emmision test..........

Submitted by peddlarbob@sym… on Tue, 11/29/2005 - 22:33

Edited on 2005-11-29 22:35:45

Dan. It is really about time to change dealerships. The V-12 when properly tuned will pass the emissions test easily even without any catalytic converters fitted. My Grey 87 V-12 does not have any on it at all and it passes every time. Never had it fail. In addition $3,100 for each is an obscene amount for a dealership to charge. The ones I put on my 92 V-12 Limited edition that I just sold, cost me around $300 each and I considered that being over charged.

Anyway you will have to pass next time for real or your car will have to come off the road. You are only allowed one provisional pass. Personally I would never have settled for that. You should talk to Chip at the OJOA club he had the same problem as you, his 88 V-12 VDP kept failing. I told him where to bring his car and I went down to the shop to explain to them what needed doing to it. After they were finished, his car breezed through the test.

92 Ser III V-12 VDP #31 Canadian Edition
87 Ser III V-12 VDP
86 Ser III AJ6/Soveriegn
85 Ser III XJ6 VDP
Mk II 3.4 Automatic.

Submitted by NC43-62049 on Tue, 11/29/2005 - 11:09

I had three tests done: one was unreadable and 2 were failures. The Jag Dealer's affilliate in Oakville did the last test.

The was perfect but for hydro carbons (enginge running rich). All the usual tweaks were applied (warmed up engine, oil change etc.).

The Jag dealer affiliate wrote up a conditional pass based on a repair estaimte for switching out the catalytic converters ($3,100 each) which exceeded the $450 max (no work required). The whole process was absurd(although I do not fault the dealer for the process).

I read in the local paper (Star) that even stupider standards and regulations were on the radar of the current government. These changes will certainly adversely affect ALL classic and vintage cars.

Is anyone prepared to oppose this? I will join in.

Dan Lokun
Toronto Canada
90 XJ-S

Submitted by peddlarbob@sym… on Sun, 11/27/2005 - 16:47

Dan you should not be having any trouble getting your V-12 through the Ontario Emissions test. The requirements you need to meet are as follows.

40KM/h HC ppm 48 CO% 0.27 NO ppm 0347

Curb Idle HC ppm 200 CO% 1 NO ppm N/A

If this is not what your test station is testing against then they are using the wrong program for your car. There is no new standard planned for this year or next and this one has been in place for the past five years. Sounds like your testing station is suffering a little from the bullcrap syndrome. If you need help I know the guys in the Ministry well.

Your car if tuned correctly should easily hit

40KM/h HC ppm 30 CO% 0.05 NO ppm 0

Curb Idle HC ppm 17 CO% 0.02 No ppm N/A

92 Ser III V-12 VDP #31 Canadian Edition
87 Ser III V-12 VDP
86 Ser III AJ6/Soveriegn
85 Ser III XJ6 VDP
Mk II 3.4 Automatic.