In the "printing" of the "2006 Chapter VI -changes approved at the 2005 AGM -to take effect in 2006" -there is discussion of deductions for non-authenticity pertaining to pin-beading and Rear window (#G. EXTERIOR -Items 48-"Top,OTS/FHC Pin Beading or molding" & Item-49."Top,OTS/FHC Rear window")without mention for deduction for the DHC -yet note "n" describes "pin beading" only as it pertains to convertibles (OTS/MX/DHC) -(and which the FHC is NOT). (I must therefore conclude that this is a printing mistake -& DHC should be substituted for FHC-) Also,(as a Concours Judge) -how do I determine the deduction for the use of a neatly placed screw for securing an otherwise "near-perfect-appearing" (ie w/o signifant blemish otherwise) section of pinbeading on a DHC or OTS -or slight wear to the chrome on a strip of pin beading or rear window frame. Do the deductions given pertain to the MAXIMUM deductions for the WHOLE section or window frame?? (It seems to me that a deduction of 4.0 points for the use of a couple of screws to secure a piece of pin beading is pretty harsh!!)

Jerry Ellison
Fayetteville, NC

Submitted by SW03-09811 on Fri, 01/06/2006 - 00:47

Thank you for your observation. The answer is the same as it was in December. You have found a typo in that both items, #48 and #49, under the new Chapter VI, G. Exterior, should read: "Top, OTS/DHC ...".

There may be other errors and I appreciate their being called to JCRC attention. Some additional corrections have been made to Chapter VI and it will be sent to all Chief Judges and posted on the Concours Site very soon.

Authentic pin beading is difficult and time-consuming to accurately re-produce and to correctly install. If the beading is held in place with screws, it is no longer "pin" beading and is non-authentic.

Using that rationale, as currently listed, EACH SECTION of beading held in place by (any number of) screws should receive the MANDATORY 4.0 point deduction. The non-authenticity deductions listed for all items are MANDATORY, see Chapter VI, A.1..

"Near-perfect-appearing" is commendable but it, and other "near-authentic" items, (short cuts?) MUST NOT be given the same credit as "authentic".

When you speak of judging WORN chrome, you are dealing with "condition" vice "authenticity" and must make a separate judgement.

Thanks for taking the time to do your Judge homework.

Dick Cavicke
Chair, JCNA, Judge's Concours Rules Committee