I am ready to pull my hair out trying to find a source for the tools that are listed in the repair manuals I have for my XJS. For example, "JD 163" which is the removal/installation tool for the rear main seal in my 5.3 liter engine. That is the one that I currently need, but I would love to know a source for all of these tools. Someone at the dealership here in Louisville told me they quit selling them when Ford took over. I don't know whether or not that is true, but surely there must be a source for them as so many enthusiasts work on their own cars, myself included.

I hope some one out there hold the key to unlocking this mystery for me. (My wife likes my hair .....)

Judson Davis
Louisville, KY
1990 XJS

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Sat, 04/01/2006 - 11:53

Some clubs have access to special tools but otherwise they can be rented from us, Bonnet To Boot in Los Angeles, The fee depends on the tool and a credit card charge for the replacement price is necessary as a deposit + shipping Jaguar affectionado and etc.

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Sat, 04/01/2006 - 07:17

OTC is Otawanta tool co. (spelling might be wrong). I do not know where you are but you can seek out older dealers in your area. These tools are very expensive as their quality is high. I have a full set to 1980 and they all look new despite years of service. Many tools build on basic parts so you may need 3 tools to do a certain job. George Camp

Submitted by judinmexico@ya… on Fri, 03/31/2006 - 18:28

By OTC you mean "over the counter" i.e. to the public? That shouldn't be a problem because a good friend of mine owns a repair business and could order them for me for his business. Also, I'm not too worried about the cost of the tools because at over $100.00 for labor at the dealer, they pay for themselves very quickly.

By the way, do you know of any suppliers of those tools now? For example, do you know of any old dealerships that you might contact for a tool if you needed one? I could contact them and maybe transact something from a distance, what with all the modern forms of communications and delivery systems that we have in place these days.

Thanks for your help.

Judson Davis
Louisville, KY
1990 XJS

Submitted by SE98-32482CJ on Fri, 03/31/2006 - 17:38

You need to seek out an older dealer.They will have those tools but may be put away. The orig. tool supplier was V L Churchill. The OTC company in the US was/is the dist. for them and now both compaines are owned by SPX. I had great luck dealing with VL Churchill but OTC was always impossible. Further during the BL days the tools were issued and in some cases made under licence by Zelenda which I think no longer exists. These tools are very costly and I think you would be surprised to find that an older dealer might loan you the tool with a security deposit. George Camp