Hi. My trunk will not open with the key or the button in the glove box. Is there any way in. Do I need to call a locksmith or is this only something a Jaguar dealer can handle. It seems to be mechanical problem... like a spring came loose. It locks fine, but when it is unlocked the latch doesn't release.

It's the weekend and I'm flying Monday morning on business and my laptop is in the trunk.

Any help would be much appreciated.

All the best,

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 22:12

Edited on 2006-09-23 22:26:02

Hello, what kind of car are you talking about, regardless, Jaguar would not be able to repair it, they would call out a locksmith, On the 86 Bill, you have to go in from the lever hole and fish around for the link, if it has disconnected at the lower end you will have to cut a hole behind the licence plate about 2" down and 1" right of centre. UPDATE, when I opened the page I read the first post without noticing the date. So the response was not appropriate to the questioner. BUT, the original "Heather" nor "Bill" posted the result. One would assume they would share the answer with all of those who were kind enough to offer help! Jaguar affectionado and etc.

Submitted by bonnettoboot@e… on Mon, 05/15/2006 - 01:35

As you have probably discovered the link has broken or become disconnected, and you have probably also discovered that there is no easy way in, it has only happened once to me and we had to cut our way in! Jaguar affectionado and etc.

Submitted by ilprofondoblu@… on Sat, 05/13/2006 - 13:24

Hi Bill,
Thanks for your reply. No, it doesn't budge. It seems to me that the latch itself is disconnected from whatever opens the trunk. When I turn the key to the right to lock it, it locks fine - the latch feels solid and can't be pressed. When I turn the key to the left to unlock it the latch becomes loose and easy to press in. Normally it would not be so loose, it would instead have only a bit of give, where when you press it it should click and the trunk should open.

Also my battery is fine.


1993 XJ6 Vanden Plas

Submitted by bpratt@charter.net on Sat, 05/13/2006 - 11:07


If you try unlocking the trunk with the key while pulling up on the trunk lid, does it move at all? That will tell you if the release isn't even being activated. Although I haven't experienced it myself, other posts I've seen suggest that your battery may be getting weak.

If you're not sure where the trunk lock is for the key, your users manual should have the information. On my XK8, it's somewhat hidden within the XK8 badge.


1997 Jaguar XK8
1968 Cougar XR-7 Convertible (CatVert)
1965 Mustang Convertible