Edited on 2006-04-04 19:58:49


If anyone has an X300 clock module for sale please e-mail me at gmdmfcathotmail.com.

The segments do not have to work. Parts need to be there though...

Greg D.

1995 Jaguar XJ6 - Kingfisher Blue

Submitted by nicholasclare@… on Tue, 06/20/2006 - 08:10


Common problem im afraid, like rocking horse sh** to find and if you do they are expensive and likely to suffer the same fate 12months down the road. There are a few on ebay but id go for a reconditioned unit. People are out there who replace the llce screen for around $30 which is more sensible than paying $300 for a new one which will also fail.

I have replaced mine on my xj6 3 times in 100,000 miles so i have now gone down the reconditioned unit route. So far so good.

Nick Clare
Ex Jaguar Product Development Manager