I just read Pascal's accounting of his trip to the AGM and back. There are few people that have the guts to embark on such a long trip in a thirty plus year old car. What a great story. And he didn't take the easy route. Attempting to avoid the ice and snow in the Rockies that time of the year was a major gut check. Pascal, My hat is off to you. Too many times I see all these great cars that the owners bust thier butts on to make pretty, but they only drive them from the trailer to the show field. This is not what they were built for. They were made to drive and enjoy. True, I trailer my Peaches to distant shows, but my plan is to drive her to a show in Florida in the next couple of years. I can't wait. It might take me four days, but it will certainly be the four most entertaining days of my life.
You are my Hero!

1938 SS Jaguar 1.5 Litre Saloon
More affectionately known as PEACHES

Submitted by Mfulton412@aol.com on Sat, 07/01/2006 - 21:51

We would love to have you here. You have to indulge me here, but I think that you will find that EURO is a very unique event. We have guest speakers that are second to no show on our continent. We offer driving events that will stir the soul. We always have cars on display that you may have never seen before. And most importantly, EURO is not a councours, but more of a people event, where you can lay back and enjoy all your wonderful experiences with enthusiastic car folks. Please come! Compared to the events that you have attended in the past, this is just a short jaunt for you!
Mike 1938 SS Jaguar 1.5 Litre Saloon
More affectionately known as PEACHES

Submitted by Mfulton412@aol.com on Wed, 06/28/2006 - 20:24

I am surprised that you have not responded to these posts. I would love to hear a story about you and Ginger racing up here in your V-12S
Mike 1938 SS Jaguar 1.5 Litre Saloon
More affectionately known as PEACHES

Submitted by Mfulton412@aol.com on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 21:54

I am so glad that you are coming to EURO. It is one of the largest and most unique shows on the East Coast. You will have a blast and hopefully Pascal and some of the other "right foot down" folks will join you in enjoying our event. BMW is loaning us 10 M Coupes for the SCCA Autocross this year. As Dave Eckrote says, "I will run till I run out of twenty dollar bills". Where else can you beat the hell out of someone elses car for that small of a fee? And the Bmw Performance Center will also be offering driving events with most of the BMW offerings. Hey, they ain't Jags, but the need for speed can be fulfilled in other marques. Please spread the word. And remember, our intention is to make your EURO visit a FUN experience. EURO is not a concours, Though you will see cars that you have never seen gefore that qualify for major concours events. It is designed to be an enjoyable day with your car buds to kick back, enjoy all the cars, share great car stories(and lies), and just kickback and have a good time. 1938 SS Jaguar 1.5 Litre Saloon
More affectionately known as PEACHES

Submitted by cordag@aol.com on Tue, 06/27/2006 - 20:05


Pascal doesn't need much food or sleep, and makes good time. He loves to prove that an E-Type can be beautiful *and* practical. I agree that his guts and sense of adventure are full tilt. I wasn't up for that coast-to-coast trip, and without any others to run with, he was the Lone Ranger.

Our V12 2+2 E-Types do serve us very well on long trips, even though they are 35 years old. And like you & Peaches, we slalom and rally them once we get there! As you know, I plan to attend the biggest show in the SE this Fall - the EURO Auto Festival in Spartanburg, South Carolina. I sure hope Pascal can keep up with me on the little trip up. I usually give him about 3 hours to make it up here before heading out of state. ;-)

1971 E-Type FHC
1966 E-Type OTS
1966 Austin Healey BJ8